Controlling the looper with a simple FCB 1010 (Video)

  • In this video, I control the looper of Kempers with a simple FCB 1010. Sorry for the poor quality, it is meant for demonstration purposes only.
    The control works smoothly, how the FCB must be programmed, you will find in this thread.
    Thanks to DamianGreda and CK, to make this available!) 8)
    With the Kemper Remote that goes certainly more comfortable, but it's ok for me, especially since I use the Looper function mainly to practice (live need only a very few sequences...)

    Click here to see the video

    Play it like you mean it.

    Edited once, last by WS (May 5, 2015 at 11:36 AM).

  • It's a simple mathematical task that I could solve even as a blonde guitarist: the FCB sends with one tap 2 CCs - how many taps do I need to send 4 CCs?

    Play it like you mean it.

    Edited 2 times, last by WS (May 5, 2015 at 11:38 AM).

  • If you can provide further help on this it would be appreciated. I have an FCB1010 with Eurekaprom V2. I have available SP slot which show message on the website. How did you set yours up? I have your document, but haven't done a lot of midi hands on work so I am "green" when it comes to this stuff.

    "More Guitar in the Monitors" :thumbup:

  • Hi bshaw92,

    It should work well with the Eureka Prom, but not in PA ("Profiling Amp") mode, because the PA-Mode has fixed CC numbers. First you have to change the mode of the Eureka to "PP" mode.
    Instructions how to change the mode can be found here
    Instructions to program the device in PP mode, see here
    Good luck and happy programming!

    Play it like you mean it.