Zoom MS50G or Line 6 M5 for more effects

  • Hey guys,
    I really love my KPA but I still miss some of the "crazy effects" - especially the Step Filter/Phaser and Reverse Delay....
    Since the Kemper Dev. team doesn't seem to care about those feature requests I think it's time to look for a good companion for the KPA FX Loop..

    So far I know of 2 - quite affordable - devices that would do the trick:

    1. the small footprint Zoom pedals have a huge selection of algorithm, so does the for example MS50G, the only let down is missing MIDI connectors, which is fixable via an USB Host converter, like you can see here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GG0Eb8LrL00
    Alternatively the G1on, G1X, G3, G3X, G5, MS70CDR would work with the same "Midi hack".
    Unfortunately the MS100BT with Bluetooth and even more effects via StompShare app extensions has no USB.

    2. The Line 6 M Series of pedals - especially the M5.
    The variety of effects might not be as comprehensive as with the zoom pedals, but it does sport a well done midi implementation and proper midi connectors.

    The Eventide H9/Modfactor/Timefactor would be other choices that I'm aware of and the Roger Linn Adrenalinn might be considered the real classic for the filter stuff - but these are quite expensive IMHO.

    Is there any other FX device you would recommend?

    Does anybody already use a setup like this?

    Do you guys out there have any experiences and thoughts to share?

  • I own an M5. It has all of the effects found in a podhd. It's extremely well built and has a tuner as well. It's also midi capable. You can program rigs to send midi messages to the device. I'm not currently using it, because I don't use a ton of effects, and I use a even tide h9 in the loop. However I could keep both in the loop as the kemper can control two devices. I k

  • Not too expensive options to add the effects you mentioned would be Tc Electronics Flashback for the reversed delays, the Zoom Multistomp 50 for the steph phaser and a Soundblox Guitar enveloppe filter. All these sound very good with the Kemper (Flashback in the loop, the others in front).
    For a wide array of crazy delays and reverbs the Zoom mutistomp 70-cdr might do, The modulation effects from that one I found disapointing though,
    It is tempting to go for the expensive Strymon and Eventide boxes, but it might be a safer bet to wait if Kemper will add effects. I think Kemper did great with the pitch shifters in that regard. Not even the ones from Eventide can compete with those.
    The M5 sounded muffled with the Kemper the one time I tried it in the loop.