Midi SysEx question

  • Hi,
    A question to all the midi-cracks :)

    I am building my own Midi-Foot-Controller and want it to display the Rig-Tempo.
    For This I´m sending a sysEx message "F0 00 20 33 02 7F 41 00 04 00 F7".

    The KPA answers correctly with the Value of the Tempo, but only if Midi-Global-Channel is set to 1 or OMNI...

    Is there a way to receive the Tempo-Value, when the KPA´s MidiChannel is set to 2 (or another channel, thats not 1 or OMIN) ?

    In the Manuel you can read: Midi Device ID 7F = OMNI ... I tried all 128 values in that position of my sysex-message, but no response from the KPA when it´s set to channel 2.

    -> I have some other Gear with different Midi-Channels in my rig - the KPA is channel 2. I don´t want to change all midi-channels on all the other programmed units just to set the kpa to channel 1.

    any help?

  • In the Manuel you can read: Midi Device ID 7F = OMNI ... I tried all 128 values in that position of my sysex-message, but no response from the KPA when it´s set to channel 2.

    Sorry, I overlooked that. THIS is the device ID which is NOT the MIDI channel. The Device ID is not yet editable, leave it on 7F.

  • Thanks Rene... great Project! My Controller looks very similar :)

    So: I´m running 3.0.2 and still the Profiler doesn´t respond to the "request Tempo" Message if it´s in any midi-channel other than 1 or OMNI..
    The "7F = OMNI" in the Midi-Manual is a little misleading, that the Device ID is something like the same as the Midi-Channel (which it´s NOT).

    Any suggestions?


  • Thanks Rene... great Project! My Controller looks very similar :)

    So: I´m running 3.0.2 and still the Profiler doesn´t respond to the "request Tempo" Message if it´s in any midi-channel other than 1 or OMNI..
    The "7F = OMNI" in the Midi-Manual is a little misleading, that the Device ID is something like the same as the Midi-Channel (which it´s NOT).

    Any suggestions?


    Hi - i've checked this - and it seems that not all controls messages have implemented chanell (DEVICE ID) field . You may want to send support ticket. But ...... If your other hardware have different sysex message in Access/Kemper
    Manufacturer ID field they should not react to your messages. So i think you can safely set KPA on OMNI.

  • So now I´m stuck again:

    Here the "multi-parameter-change" doesn´t work (regardless of the midi-channel the kpa is set to :) :(

    I send: F0 00 20 33 02 7F 02 00 4A 07 00 03 00 03 F7 (to change both left and right delay clock to 3/16) .. and Nothing happens.

    Single parameter-change doesn't work either... (F0 00 20 33 02 7F 01 00 4A 07 00 03 F7)



  • Finally I got it - and i think that´s another bug: (i wrote to kemper)

    it all works perfectly, if the Stomp is NOT locked!...
    If it´s locked, nothing changes with function code 01 or 02 ..
    with single nrpn-commands, it works (values change), regardless if locked or not, and i think that´s they way it should work.

    I want to switch to another rig, without changing delay .. so i lock it. Now, if i want to change delay-settings, i should be able to do it with nrpn-commands AND sys-Exs... don´t i? Am i missing sth?


  • I know it's an old post, but... are there any news on this?
    I'm also having a look into using SysEx messages and can't get the KPA to react to them.
    I've currenly set the KPA on MIDI receiving channel 6. Is it still true that it only works when set to 1?

  • it all works perfectly, if the Stomp is NOT locked!...
    If it´s locked, nothing changes with function code 01 or 02 ..
    with single nrpn-commands, it works (values change), regardless if locked or not, and i think that´s they way it should work.

    I want to switch to another rig, without changing delay .. so i lock it. Now, if i want to change delay-settings, i should be able to do it with nrpn-commands AND sys-Exs... don´t i? Am i missing sth?

    How about this?

    After 1 1/2 years i tried it again (in FW5). Still the same. Function code 01 or 02 only work when the stomp (tried it with delay) is NOT locked.
    I still think that it should work even when it IS locked.


  • Hello, was this eventually fixed? I was just trying to send some SysEx using device ID 10 (with the profiler listening on 16), and nothing worked. I found this thread and changed the profiler to listen to 1 and sent my message to device ID 01, and... it worked.

  • This is a situation I'm dealing with now as well - using the latest 8.0.2 firmware and my KPA on Channel 16 - can't get it to respond to SYSEX but it does if I'm set to channel 1 or Omni.
    Inconvenient because I have other devices in my midi chain that can only be set to Ch1 and there are some overlapping CC/PCs that could cause the other gear to change when I don't want it to.