My First 15 Minutes with The Remote

  • I am very pleased to have my new remote arrive.

    So many of you know that Performance mode is the way to go when you want to use the new remote BUT most of us have neglected to learn how to use PM and I myself decided to wait until I had the remote under foot to kill 2 birds with one stone.

    It took me 15 minutes to figure it out and complete my first bank of performance slots.
    It would have been faster except I had to find out how to select the slots with the proper button on the KPA - I had never used the 4 way arrows before, just know that this is how you toggle to the next slot - right arrow.
    Assigning the FX to each stomp button by pressing both at the same time is super easy as well.
    Some rigs showed up with the name "initialized rig" in the slot window - hit RENAME and find the quick soft button for "use rig name" and walah fixed.

    Time to start enjoying more music and less MIDI programming.

    Powered Rack / Windows 10

  • After a few hours of using my remote the screen decided to fritz out and it looked like there were barcode lines across it.
    It had been on for a few hours while I programmed it for my rehearsal and I left it on..then I looked down it was having display issues.
    The remote works and the display has light at this point but it looks all washed out.
    When I turned the contrast to 154 from 0 in the system menu on the KPA it fixed the issue.
    I get the feeling that because this just "popped up" in the middle of using the remote that I may not be able to trust the unit.
    Others have stated that their displays have had issues of a different sort and their unit died completely, I am wondering if this is inevitable.
    What is very concerning is that the remotes work fine for a while and then suddenly die without the user abusing it or making a mistake.
    In my case it still works but I am waiting for the black lines to appear....

    Powered Rack / Windows 10

  • That's scary. I've had mine on no more that an hour at a time with no problems.....yet. I debut the Remote with the band this Saturday night.
    I guess I'll put my FCB1010 in the car for backup.

    An open question: Is this display built in China or something? China used to have a problem (still do?) with bad capacitors a while back. I don't have faith in Chinese parts.

    (It's ironic I'm taking a Chinese made FCB1010 as a backup.)

    The key to everything is patience.
    You get the chicken by hatching the egg, not by smashing it.
    -- Arnold H. Glasow

    If it doesn't produce results, don't do it.

    -- Me

    Edited 2 times, last by HCarlH (April 25, 2015 at 9:17 PM).

  • Fast.

    I notified the Kemper team about my remote malfunctioning on Thursday night .... now it is Tuesday at 4pm and the replacement is under my foot right now.
    I cant remember having anything replaced this fast unless it was over the counter.
    Now its time to work on my trust issues.

    Bravo Mr. Matt S. you rock man.

    Powered Rack / Windows 10

  • FYI:
    The new Remote display will also display washed out and with lines if the contrast is reduced to close to zero in the Kemper system menu.
    It looked good at factory setting 255 then when I touched the knob : it looked bad instantly - the sweet spot is 165 or so.
    I have zero confidence in any device that randomly changes it's contrast settings so the 1st remote was returned to Kemper.
    Let's hope this one is stable and keeps the settings properly.
    Customer support gets extra stars for being on TOP of this. Kudos.


    Powered Rack / Windows 10

  • I must have been lucky. I've gigged the remote twice (most recently last night) with no problems.
    I adjusted the contrast knob on the back of the Remote when I first hooked it up and never touched the settings in the Profiler. I have the most recent firmware in both the Profiler and Remote.

    The key to everything is patience.
    You get the chicken by hatching the egg, not by smashing it.
    -- Arnold H. Glasow

    If it doesn't produce results, don't do it.

    -- Me