What guitar to buy to showcase the Kemper

  • I play all of my guitars - Anderson Drop Top HSH, Suhr Pro S3 Standard, Suhr Classic HSS, Fender Strat Custom Shop, Vigier Ultra Blues, PRS 24 Custom, MM - Luke III .... :love: -
    over my kemper and each of them has its own sound. - the kemper takes it all :thumbup:

    I think - you'd better to find your own taste - you cant go wrong with any of those guitars.

    I hope you'll find THE ONE for you.


    KPA-Rackversion with Line6 Powercab 112
    :thumbup: :love: :thumbup:

  • Agree with a lot of responders, get more than one. I had one built to my specs from the slab up for under $2k without really thinking about budget. Would loved to have had 2 of them made to take better advantage of the different things the Kemper can do..

  • Sorry been away to respond. I pretty much have the essential guitars already; Gretsch Electromatic, Fender Stratocaster, Tele copy, Les Paul copy, ESP MH1000, Hagstrom SG Style, B.C. Rich Mockingbird, Douglas Baritone scale and Breedlove acoustic. I have pretty much the spectrum covered, guess I'm just trying to talk myself into something extra special and I have come to the conclusion that I am gonna pull the trigger on an Anderson Drop Top when the right on surfaces.

  • ESP Custom Shop. Those Japanese builders really know what they're doing and the guitar will be par excellence. Might run a bit more than $3000 though.

    I don't agree on the idea of buying three $1000 guitars. A $1000 guitar and a $3000 are vastly different imo, the build quality and sound are just leagues apart.

    That said, I have a couple of $1000 guitars and I don't find them to be all that bad. But my $3000+ ESP Horizon-II Bass really makes me wish I had the money to drop the money on an "upgrade". The playability and tone are just miles ahead of the stuff you would find in a store.

  • I don't agree on the idea of buying three $1000 guitars. A $1000 guitar and a $3000 are vastly different imo, the build quality and sound are just leagues apart.

    There are lots of reasons to buy a $3000 guitar over 3 $1000 ones, but sound and build quality are not really valid ones. I totally get it if you want a specific wood or finish or pickup style or whatever that isn't offered in the $1000 range of whatever brand you're after.

    I don't own a guitar over $1500 and I make records every day with them.

    Prince plays live with a $1000 Honer and a $800 Vox piece of rubbish and they both sound incredible - because he is incredible. :)

  • There are lots of reasons to buy a $3000 guitar over 3 $1000 ones, but sound and build quality are not really valid ones. I totally get it if you want a specific wood or finish or pickup style or whatever that isn't offered in the $1000 range of whatever brand you're after.

    I don't own a guitar over $1500 and I make records every day with them.

    Prince plays live with a $1000 Honer and a $800 Vox piece of rubbish and they both sound incredible - because he is incredible. :)

    1) The wood that they use to build those $3000 guitars is better. Wood makes a big difference if you're not using active pups. That's basic guitar building logic, stuff like bookmatched pieces of lumber, etc.
    2) The build quality is definitely better. The craftsmen that make those $3000 guitars spend a lot more time and effort than the guys that are making the $1000 stuff.
    3) Sound is subjective, but (a) electronics aren't. Some of those custom shop guitars use stuff you won't find in a typical guitar. Nothing you couldn't find after-market solutions for (sometimes), but it all adds to the cost. (b) the craftsmanship has a bearing on things like sustain and playability.

    None of this goes to say that a good musician can't make any piece of gear sound good. But some guitars are created more equal than others, that's just how the world works.

  • If you have the money, buy what makes you happy. Its an endless theme to discuss, because everyone has a favorit. As i have written, i prefer the Ibanez Jems, because of Vais sound with it, the Pick ups are killer and the variation of clean sounds are awefull . Many think the jems are mainstream guitars, for me it doesent matters because i feel well with it.
    Thats the point, look and test, you feel it if a guitar is built for you. The best indicator for me is, when i take one and play, i wont stop.

  • It's possible that you just haven't played a really good $1000 guitar, @nightlight!

    I'm very aware of all 3 points you raise, but a fourth point I'd throw your way is that every single guitar is different and I've had some $3000-4000 guitars through the studio over the years that are horrible in the 3 areas you mention.

    If the OP searches, he'll find a nicely made guitar with great wood and well soldered points, well made pickups and good shielding for $1000.

    The $2000 difference does not buy you 'better' electronics and wood, it generally buys highly desirable finishes or rarely made bits and pieces.

    If they were worth it, every great player on the planet would play one. Most big guys just play pretty standard Strats, LPs, Teles, etc etc.

    To showcase the Kemper - play really well.

  • Well, let's just go with some of the OP's choices jamesnorth. A Suhr Modern Pro or a Tom Anderson Drop Top. Since I obviously don't know "quality" $1000 guitars (and you do), name a few and let's compare them to the OP's choices.

    PS: It's possible those guitar players that came to your studio got ripped off. Not everyone recognises a good guitar and your example seems to prove that point.

  • For a right-handed person, two $1500 guitars would be better the more I think about it. Rather than one very expensive one, or 3 cheap ones. The best guitars I've bought are currently in the $1400-2200 range even if they were $600-1000 when I bought them 10 years ago.

    For variety of music, a used PRS Custom 22 (Humbucker with split to single coil) and a used MusicMan Axis Sport with P90's (better if you can grab just an Axis Sport from the 90's) This combo would give you good pickup variety. But none of the tones would be "traditional" to records you know. Cost $1600-1800 and $1500-1700 respectively.

    For Rock, my favorite would be a Gibson LP Traditional and a Fender Telecaster 52 RI. Cost $1400-1800 and $1500-1700 respectively.
    This would give that classic Humbucker and Single Coil rock tones. Stratocasters are awesome, Telecasters are awesomer, haha.

    Just some ideas. Good luck, it's a fun problem to have.

  • You cant go wrong with an Anderson. Fantastic guitars. You have a good mix of guitar styles already so I'd say go for it.

    If I was you I'd only look for a used one as the instant depreciation you're hit with on a new purchase in a $3000+ can be hard to swallow. I have a Gibson 57 RI goldtop that I bought new, but dont really play anymore (the neck thickness has started to annoy me, and i actually prefer the tones from my much cheaper Tokai LP!). I have thought about selling it but would lose a considerable amount (well over $1000) as it was a new purchase - so I chicken out on listing it and it lives in it's case in the basement. If I bought it used, it would be a much easier decision.

    Something to consider.

  • Maybe, instead of getting another guitar, you delve more into accessories. I got a TronicalTuner for my acoustic and its awesome if you do alternate tunings.

    Good idea. Another option is to spend some dollars on getting a good professional setup done on some of your favorites (or even better - do some reading, buy some tools, and do it yourself). My super cheap $350 mexi tele (purchased out of the local classifieds) was amazingly transformed from a "meh" guitar to a genuine killer playing and sounding tele with some simple affordable upgrades and a good careful set-up. That one really surprised me. It now gets played a bunch and the desire to upgrade to a fancy tele has been banished!

    Still though.. Buy an Anderson. You deserve it.. 8o

  • Any sales rep from Anderson here? Whats the magic behind it? Its a guitar with good parts and good optik. Good parts, good wood, good guitar.
    Last tip: Here Music, here the sound of different guitars (different players to ;) ). I can buy 10 Andersons, but i never sound like Gene Black.
    Good sound isnt only a good guitar. Think of your fingers. Eddie van Halen can play with a with an 300 Dollar Model and he sounds great (maybe when he uses a kpa :P ). Hope you find the holy grail for you.