TopJimi: DI Profiles Added to AFD100 and YJM100

  • Soon after the release of the AFD100 and YJM100 profile packs, we upgraded our Kemper to the new V3.0 firmware and took some direct profiles (no speaker cabinet) before we had to let the amps go. This is me sobbing after giving the amps back --> :(

    Due to a bug in the Kemper V3.0 firmware, we were only able to grab DI profiles for some of the profiles. The Kemper decides for itself whether you are using a speaker cabinet or not, and the decision making process is currently unreliable. For some amp settings, the Kemper can assume you're using a speaker cabinet when you're really not. There is unfortunately no way to override this decision and force the Kemper into DI profiling mode, so we did the best we could. We were able to get DI profiles for the High and Max gain settings of both amps, and Med settings on the YJM.

    A DI profile addendum has already been sent out to everyone who had already purchased the AFD and YJM packs without the DI's.


    Jimi :thumbup:

  • I was going to thank you for the extra profiles (just got them in my mail earlier) but i'll just add it to this post. Thanks! i'm really enjoying the afd profiles btw! maybe it's because i grew up listening to guns n roses and every band and their dog used hot wired marshalls back then but i just love this amp :D

    I won't be using the DI profiles anytime soon but after hearing the main ones i don't doubt they are top notch :)

  • We've got a '69 Marshall Super Bass and a '64 Fender 6G6-B Bassman impatiently waiting to be profiled. We'll get those done soon!


    Hi Jimi, sounds great. Looking forward to your next Profile Pack release.

    However, the question has been asked twice, now, with no response. Would you kindly advise if the subject Direct profiles, in which you used your own DI set-up to get a Line level signal back to the KPA Return Input -- did you have a pass-through / bypass so that you also had the speaker cabinet hooked up to the amp at the same time you where making the Direct profile?

    If the answer is you plan on using an appropriate DI box on future Direct Profiles, so that you will be able to have the reference amp connected to the reference cabinet, to ensure the Direct profile captures the Amp <==> Cabinet interactions.

    Thanks in advance for your feedback on this matter.


  • I'm interested in DI profiles and would buy these ones but I'd like to know if the cab was attached to the amp when doing the DI profiles as the amp reacts in a different way without a cab.

    Understood, thank you for the reply, Pacocito.

    I sent a PM to TopJimi (Jimi71) asking him to check back into this thread, and provide us all clarification on this issue.


  • Sorry for the late response. Yes, we used the same setup we use for making our Marshall profiles, but with a low level tap taken off the signal and fed back as a DI. Using the DI profiles with a clean power amp and speakers should sound just like our regular profiles. Of course the tone using DI profiles will vary slightly due to differences in your speaker cab versus ours.


  • Sorry for the late response. Yes, we used the same setup we use for making our Marshall profiles, but with a low level tap taken off the signal and fed back as a DI. Using the DI profiles with a clean power amp and speakers should sound just like our regular profiles. Of course the tone using DI profiles will vary slightly due to differences in your speaker cab versus ours.


    Thanks for your reply and feedback, Jimi. :thumbup:

    By the way, just a heads might want to pop into The Gear Page and the Digital Modeling sub-forum. I would have you read the recently Locked thread which is entitled "Can the Axe-FX rival this Kemper tone?"

    Here is a direct link:

    The only reason I bring the subject up, is that a rather spurious claim was made by the owner/designer of a peer-class digital modeler that competes in the same market/consumer space as the Kemper Profiling Amp. His claim was that the TopJimi profile in question ('68 Marshall Super Lead Plexi) used "studio tricks" in order to obtain the awesome tone.

    I didn't start the thread, however I read this rather provocative claim, and I proceeded to post and directly question the gentleman. I explained that you had explicitly noted, both on your website as well as the YouTube video clip, that no external FX or EQs were employed in the profiling process and subsequent recording. Further, in the course of the thread, I made the point that it is general, accepted policy and standard within the Commercial KPA Profile vendors, that details of the Profiling process are disclosed...especially if external effects are employed.

    I must admit, I was a bit mystified that the designer of competitive digital amp felt the need to inject himself into that particular thread, and make such a bold and provacative claim.

    My very respectful, and cordial posts on this matter seemed to be raise the hackles of certain personalities. In any event, the thread was eventually locked by the Administrator/Moderator.

    I hope you can get the chance to read through the subject thread. Should the spirit move might wish to make a new thread in the TGP Digital Modeling sub-forum to fully respond and debunk this rather unprofessional claim, made against you directly...and by extension/implication, any reputable Commercial KPA Profile vendors.

    Again, just a friendly head's up.

    I hope that I am not violating any Kemper User Forum policies in bringing attention to this this is not my attention. If I have, I would please ask the Kemper GmbH Moderators to advise me, and delete this post.

    Edited 2 times, last by Tritium (April 29, 2015 at 8:50 PM).

  • Sorry for the late response. Yes, we used the same setup we use for making our Marshall profiles, but with a low level tap taken off the signal and fed back as a DI. Using the DI profiles with a clean power amp and speakers should sound just like our regular profiles. Of course the tone using DI profiles will vary slightly due to differences in your speaker cab versus ours.


    Thank you very much for your response. :thumbup: