TopJimi: DI Profiles Added to AFD100 and YJM100

  • By the way, just a heads might want to pop into The Gear Page and the Digital Modeling sub-forum. I would have you read the recently Locked thread which is entitled "Can the Axe-FX rival this Kemper tone?"

    Here is a direct link:

    The only reason I bring the subject up, is that a rather spurious claim was made by the owner/designer of a peer-class digital modeler that competes in the same market/consumer space as the Kemper Profiling Amp. His claim was that the TopJimi profile in question ('68 Marshall Super Lead Plexi) used "studio tricks" in order to obtain the awesome tone.

    I stumbled across this thread whilst researching the Kemper a while back, Tritium, and found it to be an immensely frustrating read!

    Not sure what else there is to say. Seemed grossly unfair.

  • I stumbled across this thread whilst researching the Kemper a while back, Tritium, and found it to be an immensely frustrating read!

    Not sure what else there is to say. Seemed grossly unfair.

    Indeed, my thoughts exactly.

    My username is "Deuterium" on TGP. IMHO, it was my quite reasonable direct questioning of Cliff Chase's (Fractal Audio Systems) unreasonable claims against TopJimi's profiles, and his accusation that TopJimi resorts to external "studio tricks" to create his amazing profile(s)...which caused the eventual fireworks. Once the the FAS Defense League came on-board, the thread turned nasty.

    I thought it was rather unprofessional for Cliff Chase to make such unfounded accusations in the first place...but at least he maintained a cordial discourse. Not true for a bunch of other yahoos. For me, the final straw was when a popular TGP "personality", self-anointed sound & audio messiah, and all around self-righteous, officious and sanctimonious blow-hard...felt the need to interject himself in the discussion, and begin making personal, obnoxious and condescending replies to my arguments. I have seen this man's conduct before, and he does no favors for Atomic Amps, due to his affiliation. Again, just my personal opinion.

    Edited 2 times, last by Tritium (May 23, 2015 at 8:52 PM).

  • Ah... "Deuterium" rings the rusty ol' gong in my coconut loudly and clearly. Tempting as it is to revisit the thread for a re-read, life's tough enough right now to not warrant an additional drama injection.

    A little humour goes a long way 'though, and I must say I got a good lil' chuckle out of your eloquent(!) overview of the thread.

    Very well put, mate. :D