• hi can someone explain how I set up the kemper to run through 4 powered floor monitors (for myself and the other band members in rehearsal)
    we have a powered mixer to run 2 pa speakers

    what at are the output settings for the kemper and what output shall I use?

  • Im not sure I understand. How are your band mates getting their guitar/bass/vocals into the monitors? It sounds like everyone in the band has their own aux mix. If that's the case you wouldn't need to use any additional connections..
    In the event that you don't have individual aux mixes, you would want to run your main out to the PA(with output set to mono) and run a monitor out to your powered wedge. I suppose you could run the wedges in series to get the signal to your band mates' monitors, but I assure you, they don't want to hear you as much as you want to hear you!

    Edited once, last by Khaki_Lackey (March 18, 2015 at 6:15 PM).

  • For a "one mix" monitor system (and mono PA):
    The simplest way is to send a line from the Main Outputs to a mixer channel, and use the monitor send of that channel to mix it with the vocals. Use "Master Mono" output setting.

    If you run stereo effects in your PA (and can use two channels for the Kemper), use "Master Stereo" output, and send two channels to the mixer.