Use of headphones

  • Hello all, I am new here and will be looking for as much info a possible about the KPA before buying. My current setup is a Fender Mustang amp and after playing through a Fender Twin Reverb at a music store I realized that I need something better. My guitar teacher told me about the KPA and after some research and listening to MBritt's sound clips I am sold. My wife and I have a baby on the way, so I will most likely be limited to using headphones for awhile. Will using headphones be losing much of the quality vs using I guess monitor speakers like a Yamaha FRFR? If so, in what way? What kind of headphone's would be recommended, I am assuming something like Beyerdynamics. Also using headphones would I then have to buy the KPA with the amp built in? Sorry if I seem really dumb on this issue, but all this is new to me. If I could own all those amazing amps all in one package and it sounded great I would think I've died and gone to heaven.

  • First off - Welcome to the forum.
    One of the unforeseen advantages I've discovered is the use of headphones with the Kemper.
    It really changes how I practice nowadays.
    Simply put, headphones will be somewhat different than running directly to say a DXR10, but not by much.
    Here's a link to cool site I've used to evaluate headsets:
    With the new baby on the way, you can still sneak in some playing time.

    Best of luck.

    Happy Kemper

  • Hullo, you won't need the powered version if you want to use headphones. The power amp is only for powering a guitar speaker cabinet. If you get the head version of the kemper ( the one that looks like a toaster ) you can add an aftermarket power amp later on if your needs change.
    regarding headphones,
    there is a thread already active about what headphones work well. I can't remember under what heading though. Try the search function. Sorry I can't be more helpful.

  • Hi and welcome to the forum!
    If you enjoy listening to music through headphones then you should have no problems enjoying the kemper through them.
    Guitars on albums are mostly closed miced and often have a slight ambience room reverb effect added in the mix so we don't hear a dry sound. We don't play guitar with our ears pressed against the speaker, we listen from a distance to the speaker and therefore it's natural for us to hear the guitar with the room ambiance. One way to achieve this in the kemper is to add space or other reverb when using headphones.

    Headphones, monitors and guitar cabs are three different things that all fill very useful purposes depending on what we want to hear.
    I enjoy using all three options.
    Here is a recent forum thread about headphone tips.…nes-for-kemper/?
    Both Beyerdynamic, AKG, Sony, Sennheiser and other brands have excellent headphones.

    Quote from me in that thread.
    "High quality studio headphones are imo the most affordable way to experience good linear sound.
    Studio monitor speakers cost a lot more to reach equal linear response but they also require an acoustic treated and measured listening environment. Just placing great expensive speakers in a room without doing acoustic measurements will therefore not be optimal at all, and good headphones remove those room acoustic variables. I think it's optimal to use both headphones and speakers when mixing, but it's far easier and less expensive to get a more linear sound with headphones."

    One factor that many call quality is how linear the monitors or headphones are, and more linear often means it's more expensive.
    If you want to hear a full kemper profile that was captured using guitar amp and its speaker + microphone, then use headphones or monitors. Both are full range. If you want to hear amp only kemper profiles then play those through your power amp and guitar cab speaker. The guitar speakers are not full range or linear and they will color the sound, but some prefer this.

  • I use headphones when the wife doesn't want to be blasted when practicing or jamming. Monitor wise, I plug into several things.

    I find myself really loving the Kemper into headphones plus a little Space added in the output menu. Bliss! :)

    I am a Profile Whore... Sometimes a Recovering Profile Whore...
    but mostly a Complete and Utter Profile Whore... I want them all... aCk!!! 8|:love:

  • I have about 4 headphones, Beyer, AKG, SONY, Yamaha and all sound really good.

    That is, in terms of "sounding like a real amp vs any other modeler" good.

    What they lack compared to a cabinet is the air pushing thump in your chest, wall's rattling.
    What they lack compared to an FRFR as well as Cabinet is the external room sound.
    What they gain over either is a better stereo response.

    IF you use Headphones to do an initial Mix while recording, the Kemper sounds THE SAME plugged in directly as it does recorded, or else you have an issue with volume setup or your audio card isn't so good (I switched from PreSonus FP10 -> Saffire 24 Pro and routinely use SPDIF now and it's exactly the same sound now)

    In fact, Headphones are such a good indicator of the overall quality of your sound/signal that when your setup, live or recorded, isn't sounding as good as it did in your headphones, you know it's the setup and NOT the Kemper!

    As to which ones, well, people have preferences, but most $100 headphones sound superb today that will have you quite satisfied.

    Even the WORST pair of headphones still relays the fact that the Kemper on good profiles sounds 100% authentic and not some fake digital likelihood, so it's hard to go wrong, really (unless you use earbuds, haha)

    WARNING: Easy to do ear damage in headphones because it sounds so good. I highly recommend a dB meter to assess and personally gauge what dangerous levels sound like and what the KPA setting are.)

  • Sounds like you can semi- "tone match" your FRFR to your quality headphones to get a good proximity to the original profiled amp tone, then? Always wondered about that.

    I am a Profile Whore... Sometimes a Recovering Profile Whore...
    but mostly a Complete and Utter Profile Whore... I want them all... aCk!!! 8|:love:

  • Another opportunity is to connect the Kemper to a small mixing console. You can play to your favourite playbacks with your headphones on . . not disturbing wife or kid.


    If YOU are in charge to care for the baby, keep the volume low! ;)

  • You'd have a couple of ways of doing this within the Profiler itself.
    You might set the Monitor Output (provided you cab is fed by that output) to Off in the Oputput menu (page 1).
    Or, in the same menu (page 2) you can set the Monitor Output volume (ditto) to 0. If you want to be able to control the HP's level through the Master volume knob, remember to switch the "Monitor Out Link" flag off (ibidem).