using just the effects into amp

  • You want to buy a profiler just to use the effects? Or do you mean just plugging the profiler into the effects return of your amp? If the latter, that's probably pretty common. If the former, you're wasting your money.

  • sorry for the confusion. i use it already with a band utilizing the whole unit. i go foh to in ears. it works great.i just play in another situation where i use my (real)amp , and i just want to use the effects in this situation . i have no effects loop on the amp . thats why i was wondering if "main out of the kemper to amp input "is a good way to go. im a dumba$$. idont know if it would be better to go out the direct out or monitor out of the kemper.
    thanks for the response.

  • Would you mind giving me an update on this and how you decided to do it? I'm in the exact situation as you wanting to do the same thing at times with an amp with no effects loop. I basically see the kemper as a big pedalboard or a pedal really in this situation, so I'm curious where you sent the signal from your kemper to your amp? Main out? Direct out? Just a straight quarter inch cable from whatever you choose on the kemper to the input of your amp? How are the delays when doing this? Other effects sound ok?

  • Would you mind giving me an update on this and how you decided to do it? I'm in the exact situation as you wanting to do the same thing at times with an amp with no effects loop. I basically see the kemper as a big pedalboard or a pedal really in this situation, so I'm curious where you sent the signal from your kemper to your amp? Main out? Direct out? Just a straight quarter inch cable from whatever you choose on the kemper to the input of your amp? How are the delays when doing this? Other effects sound ok?

    I do this from time to time hitting my AC30 Handwired (no FX loop) upfront, exactly like the Edge does with has rig. I make sure that the amp is dialed in not too dirty otherwise tome based FX like delay and reverb will be muddy soon.When the amp is dialed in at the edge of breakup it Sounds awesome and it's just like a big pedalboard like you say. You can use whatever output you want (you Need to Switch Stack Off anyway), I use monitor out for this.

  • Ingolf you rule thanks dude. I think the hard part for me is going to be dialing in the output level of whatever output I use on the kemper into the amp so that it matches exactly what it would be as if I was just plugging straight into the amp. I know instrument level is roughly -20 db, should I start there maybe? Guess I'll just have to use my ears the best I can.