Till´s Cablab ( Till Schleicher )

  • Hi, I've just bought the Till´s Cablab , very nice sounding cabs (as usual) and profiles ! Sit very well in the mix without too much eq-ing.
    Thanks Till.

    Kemper non powered amp
    FCB1010+UNO 4 Kemper chip
    Fender AM Standard Strat
    Gibson Les Paul Studio

  • Holy crap!

    I've been fighting and fighting with this one song I'm recording, struggling to get a rhythm guitar tone that fit with the right mount of attitude and depth for this rock track. I must have tried 50 profiles or something - no joke. Just bought this pack, and what do you know - first profile I tried from this cab lab pack fit PERECTLY :D

    HIGHLY recommended for modern rock stuff. And for other stuff I'm sure, which I haven't gotten around to messing with yet :)

    And it's pretty darn cool browsing through the profiles - it does give you the feeling of shifting the mics around. I'm really glad I got this pack. I was a bit on the fence about it, cause I have too many profiles already, but I can tell I'm going to have a lot of fun with this one.

  • Holy crap!

    I've been fighting and fighting with this one song I'm recording, struggling to get a rhythm guitar tone that fit with the right mount of attitude and depth for this rock track. I must have tried 50 profiles or something - no joke. Just bought this pack, and what do you know - first profile I tried from this cab lab pack fit PERECTLY :D

    HIGHLY recommended for modern rock stuff. And for other stuff I'm sure, which I haven't gotten around to messing with yet :)

    And it's pretty darn cool browsing through the profiles - it does give you the feeling of shifting the mics around. I'm really glad I got this pack. I was a bit on the fence about it, cause I have too many profiles already, but I can tell I'm going to have a lot of fun with this one.

    That´s great to hear Michael, Thx... We want to hear that song :thumbup:

  • Having acquired ( bought) the pack from Till I can honestly say that some of my profiles which were "laying" around from lack of use suddenly brought back inspiration which I had been waiting for.
    They have helped my sound become more punchy and clear. ( for lack of better wordage)
    Not being technically able to describe the fineries of the workings ... I would say just give them a try. I doubt you will be disappointed at all. :thumbup:

  • Thx to HALLAN for this nice little clip using cablab016

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  • Just downloaded the tease pack and it sounds great! Before I buy the whole pack I would like to know if there is an easy way to store the cabinets under the cabinet presets?

    If I want to store a cabinet, I have to rename it. The name that it will be given by default is not the name that the cabinet has, but a name tht already exists in of the preset cabinet names. For instant: When I want to save the cab from profile Cablab003, the name it will be given by default is 'Bogner Shiva'.

    Because I have a Linux PC, I do not have rig manager. Any help is appreciated

  • Just downloaded the tease pack and it sounds great! Before I buy the whole pack I would like to know if there is an easy way to store the cabinets under the cabinet presets?

    If I want to store a cabinet, I have to rename it. The name that it will be given by default is not the name that the cabinet has, but a name tht already exists in of the preset cabinet names. For instant: When I want to save the cab from profile Cablab003, the name it will be given by default is 'Bogner Shiva'.

    Because I have a Linux PC, I do not have rig manager. Any help is appreciated

    Don´t worry, the local cab only presets are already included in the cablab pack and ready to use. You just have to import them via your USB Stick.

  • I bought the pack this afternoon and after installig the pack, the cabs where indeed installed in the cab preset section which makes it easy to go through them.

    How do they sound? Wel, they sound really good! I play mostly through commercial profiles and my Top Jimi Marshall Super Lead 74 for instance, was already great, but sounds significally better with Cab016. After playin with existing profiles, I bought the Diezel VH4 DI pack from DI Studio this afternoon: These are profiles without Cabs. They sound fantastic with the Cablab!

    Because DI profiles are easy to make, I expect to see a lot of them in the future. So I need good cabs and that is exactly what the Cablab offers.

  • short audio clip.. still using beloved cablab 016 but this time with SinMix SAVAGE M6 DI profile..delay added.. if anybody is interested how it sounds here it is:

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  • This is my first post!

    I've just bought the CabLab after using the Free pack cabs for a while. These are now my "go to" cabs. I like the fact that there are fewer profiles (58 vs 127 or so) but there are still enough to have lots of choice. I also like them being grouped into clean, crunch and high gain applications. The cabs nearly always improve profiles in a way that I like and I also appreciate being able to use the new features of firmware 3.0, which I really need to get to grips with.

    I would like a more comprehensive overview of the different settings; I can hear the differences between cabs but I would like to know what it is I'm hearing in terms of mic positioning etc. However, that is my only wish and I think that they are a great collection of cabs, tailored specifically for the KPA.

  • This is my first post!

    I would like a more comprehensive overview of the different settings; I can hear the differences between cabs but I would like to know what it is I'm hearing in terms of mic positioning etc. However, that is my only wish and I think that they are a great collection of cabs, tailored specifically for the KPA.

    I'd love that as well :)

  • Guys, thx a lot...

    I understand that there is some interest regarding the exact settings for every profile. But the pure amount of variables is so high that documenting these would making such a pack a "mission impossible". Apart from the amp settings, you would need the exact position of up to 8 eight mics, the EQing for each mic, the mixer settings plus the master EQ. Even then, the individual room acoustics would never give you the same sound in another location. I always take series of profiles and play with the variables. I then normally let some time pass and start selecting the best profiles with "fresh ears". Like i said before, i am no friend of the methodological approach that many IR collection producers use. Just trying to capture every possible position with every possible mics will leave you with 95% of sounds that are simply unusable. I would say that good profiles require experience and equipment, but really great ones happen by accident. :D

  • Guys, thx a lot...

    I understand that there is some interest regarding the exact settings for every profile. But the pure amount of variables is so high that documenting these would making such a pack a "mission impossible". Apart from the amp settings, you would need the exact position of up to 8 eight mics, the EQing for each mic, the mixer settings plus the master EQ. Even then, the individual room acoustics would never give you the same sound in another location. I always take series of profiles and play with the variables. I then normally let some time pass and start selecting the best profiles with "fresh ears". Like i said before, i am no friend of the methodological approach that many IR collection producers use. Just trying to capture every possible position with every possible mics will leave you with 95% of sounds that are simply unusable. I would say that good profiles require experience and equipment, but really great ones happen by accident. :D

    Sounds complicated! We certainly appreciate your experience and insight. Most of the CabLab cabs I've auditioned I could see using in some context, and this collection is much more accessible than other IR collections I have used. Plus, you've got to retain some of your trade secrets...

    My comment about documentation was certainly not meant as a criticism. As a hobby recordist, I suppose I like to try and link what I hear to the process, so it was more from a personal education point of view.

    BTW, thanks for the JVM DI profiles - these are brilliant, especially as the 410 is one of my favourite amps.

    Edited once, last by husker323 (March 18, 2015 at 8:50 PM).

  • Totally get the education perspective, I'm there myself.

    However, it is also from a usability standpoint I'd like some more detailed info. And yes, seeing as it is a multi-mic setup, and that the mics were EQd and at different levels does make it difficult to supply that information. But what I would like it for is to be able to say, "hmm... Id like a bit more thump in the low end, and also some more cutting highs - let's try the one with the mic a bit closer to the speaker, and more toward the center of the cone". It's not a matter of beign methodic for the sake of being methodic, far from it :) But as I said, I understand that the complexity here can make it difficult.

  • Yeah, maybe i need an assistant for documentation... :P

    It gets even more complicated because the impact of the mic position is different for all speaker types. The G12T75 has a far bigger cap compared to a vintage30. This is why a dead center position on a G12T75 can sound really good while is mostly sounds horrible on a Vintage30.

    In order to do it right and take pictures for every setup, you would need to remove all the front cloth from the cabs ;(