Remote order status

  • Of course I cannot blame anybody for that, but still it is kind of disappointing to see that orders placed later than mine are already fulfilled, only because someone put an email way before the real order. [/quote]

    Don't complaint too much, my order is an EB number 3447104 (so earlier than yours) and it is still mark as not processed.[/quote] earlybird # is 3447076 & is still not processed either.

  • Yes, don't complaint, i'm also a EB of the 16 january, remote payed by Paypal the same day, number 3447098, an "not processed".....
    Still waiting a reply from the online store.
    We just have to be patient, the "EB way" is a good initiative of this forum

    Edited once, last by steelalive (April 17, 2015 at 3:04 PM).

  • A week ago i received an email saying Kemper had to put a hold on my order and i had tot wait until end of this month for update information. Surprised by the email i got today in which Kemper said they changed my order status and had shipped the remote! A bit of a confusing email communication, but i wont complain now it has been sent :)

  • A week ago i received an email saying Kemper had to put a hold on my order and i had tot wait until end of this month for update information. Surprised by the email i got today in which Kemper said they changed my order status and had shipped the remote! A bit of a confusing email communication, but i wont complain now it has been sent :)

    Well, I assume that your avatar reflects very well how you feel about the situation? :rolleyes:

  • My profiler remote order history is complete as follows: (I'm in the UK)

    23 December 2014 18:19 registered as an Early Bird
    14 January 2015 15:29 notified by Kemper that orders can be placed
    15 January 2015 11.34 paid via PayPal funds taken from account
    15 January 2015 12.34 order no 3447052 shows in my Kemper store account
    18 February 2015 15:00 early bird news: "remotes start shipping next week"
    20 February 2015 15.52 my projected delivery date is from April 13th onward
    10 April 2015 09:45 new status is "Ready for delivery"
    16 April 2015 12:23 delivered by UPS

    Delivery was a day late because of UPS in the UK.
    Packaging was strong and secure.
    Remote in perfect condition and booted up immediately, no problem.
    All seems to be working properly.

    Oh happy day.

  • great news PCB, I am happy for you, it looks like we are only 1 day & 24 order units apart ,(3447076) & I still don't have any good news, PS I like the way you laid out the history of your remote ,I wish more would do this, it is interesting to read, enjoy your new toy, roger

  • great news PCB, I am happy for you, it looks like we are only 1 day & 24 order units apart ,(3447076) & I still don't have any good news, PS I like the way you laid out the history of your remote ,I wish more would do this, it is interesting to read, enjoy your new toy, roger

    What was your estimated ship date?
    I'm thinking there was a massive number of orders on the 14th. I don't think the order numbers have proven to have any significance whatsoever.

  • [quote='rdwilson','']great news PCB, I am happy for you, it looks like we are only 1 day & 24 order units apart ,(3447076) & I still don't have any good news, PS I like the way you laid out the history of your remote ,I wish more would do this, it is interesting to read, enjoy your new toy, roger

    What was your estimated ship date?
    I'm thinking there was a massive number of orders on the 14th. I don't think the order numbers have proven to have any significance whatsoever.[/quote]............April 13 on.....I think I am caught between the music show Kemper is at ...

  • Update, got the Kemper store email yesterday morning requesting P/Pal payment, not sure why as I was set up for C/C, anyway it is paid for, & now shows being in process, other than that I have no clue when it will be shipped, more waiting, but I am hoping it is shipped by weds, & maybe receive Fri. ( wishful thinking) :)

  • So, exactly what is the deal? Did Kemper grossly underestimate the demand for the remote? Is there a supply chain issue? Why such a delay for something that is currently a real product that is trickling into people's hands. Are they ordering them in batches of 10? Where's the weak link in the chain of producing a remote and getting it shipped to my door?

    I just placed my order for a remote today... I had originally put an order in with Sweetwater for a KPA Rack + Remote bundle back on 2/12/2015. I gave up waiting on that two weeks ago with no ETA still from Kemper to Sweetwater, I cancelled that order and put an order in for just the KPA rack. (Got it the next day... Sweetwater rules)... And picked up an UNO4Kemper EPROM to get me by... of course the UNO4Kemper is a bit limited in what it can do... and the Remote will be more than welcome when it arrives...

    It's a little weird being conflicted with both excited about my new KPA and really disappointed that the Remote is in production and shipping but has an estimated 105 days to get to me... especially after already waiting since Feb...

    Nate... (My first post here BTW, but I've been lurking the last few weeks since gettingmy new KPA.)

    Edited 2 times, last by 3DogNate (April 22, 2015 at 9:43 PM).

  • 3DogNate , I really don't have an answer for you , but I will say the waiting sucks big time, this is the longest I have ever waited for anything, sorry I couldn't help with your question, maybe after the initial earlybird run , the orders will speed up, @ least we can wish for it ;) , good luck , roger

  • Quote

    weird being conflicted with both excited about my new KPA

    3DogNate, I hear you. To be honest, Kemper ownership has been this way for me for nearly three years now. I love the way the thing sounds, so I have a hard time parting with it, but trying to deal with practicalities like controllers etc... I feel like I'm pushing a rock up a hill. I'm always waiting on some new feature or some new product to make it all come together. I sometimes wish I never got into this process in the first place, and as of last night (after a really bad time trying to program a third-party floorboard to meet my needs) I'm back to considering selling the KPA and getting into something more practical, e.g. a Roland device with flexible Assigns, etc. The alternative is to throw MORE money at the problem, by way of buying a Remote (which will get here "when it gets here" and probably, but not necessarily, work.) But that costs an arm and a leg and I already know it has limitations I'm not happy about. It's all beginning to feel like good money after bad, and worse than that: good hours after bad. I just can't believe I went to bed empty-handed again last night - i.e. without a practical, reliable solution for gigging.

    Sorry to be so negative (and mostly off-topic) this morning, just really at wits end... again. I'm starting to think of the KPA like Pandora's Box, except tones come out of this box, and once you've heard them you can't close the damned thing again.

  • @mbenigni
    What feature do you want that the remote lacks?

    Primarily, the ability to control external MIDI gear in addition to the KPA itself. The Remote will presently send PC messages to MIDI Out, but there's no way to map expression pedals, which means more gear/ cables/ kludgey workarounds. Other things would be helpful IMO, but far less important, e.g. the ability to swap the top row and bottom row of buttons, to make stomp/FX switching more easily accessible vs. rig changes.

    Bottom line is the Remote is a bit of overkill for me, and more than I wanted to spend. It's also late in arriving (for my immediate purposes, suffice to say it's not available) and I'm hearing enough about unexplained failures to make my cold feet even colder. I've owned a Kemper for years; it's crazy I'm even still thinking about a practical set up.

    If you're really curious, this dovetails with a f/w request I've got going in another thread, in hopes of making it easier to use generic controllers... but this is just one more thing to wait for, instead of playing guitar:…Stomp-CC-s-etc/?

  • I just placed my order for a remote today... I had originally put an order in with Sweetwater for a KPA Rack + Remote bundle back on 2/12/2015. I gave up waiting on that two weeks ago with no ETA still from Kemper to Sweetwater, I cancelled that order and put an order in for just the KPA rack. (Got it the next day... Sweetwater rules)... And picked up an UNO4Kemper EPROM to get me by... of course the UNO4Kemper is a bit limited in what it can do... and the Remote will be more than welcome when it arrives...

    Contact Kemper and provide them with a copy of the cancelled Sweetwater order from 2/12/15, as well as your current Kemper order number.

  • Contact Kemper and provide them with a copy of the cancelled Sweetwater order from 2/12/15, as well as your current Kemper order number.

    Through what method? eMail?

  • Well, unless a miracle happens, I will not be getting my remote by April 6th (my estimated ship date.) I'm aware that the email says on or after April 6th, but watching people with the same date get there's for weeks now, has been somewhat frustrating. I've been patient, but my patience in starting to wear thin.

    The main point of this post is to inform my fellow forum members that the trend of the remotes arriving ahead of schedule is apparently over. I don't think it's just me, either.
    I think there are a handful of other April 6th folks who are getting hosed as well.
    I will officially become irritated on Monday. When someone with a later date gets theirs I will upgrade my irritation to pissed and throw a childlike tantrum. It should be entertaining to you all! :D

    I know how you feel. Kemper's website wouldn't take any of my normal credit cards and then when one finally worked I find that the order didn't fully go through. I also noticed a pending charge on one of the CC's that didn't work but nothing on my CC that did work. Charge still hasn't been removed. I've emailed Kemper but they take forever to get back and nothing really gets done. I was on the early bird order list supposedly. Such a frustrating process to go through to buy an expensive item. Still not sure about what's going on.