Remote details and price announced!

  • I'm so psyched and eager to get my feet on the long awaited Kemper Remote! The price is reasonable to me and is fair against the competition, not that there really is any! The integration and single cable - what a pleasure they will be! I'm sure it will surpass all my expectations. And even though my Ground Control Pro is simple and does what I need.... I can't wait to experience the new remote!

    But getting one may prove tougher than I thought... getting an email through to the waiting list - (this may have already been addressed) - my server keeps rejecting attempts to get my email request through and I fear I'll have to wait even longer to order mine. Anyone have a similar problem and/or fix?

    BTW I spoke with my Sweetwater rep and he's heard it's hasn't been produced yet. I told him it's very new news and to keep digging... he's inquiring further and will let me know what he learns.

    Gary ô¿ô

  • Laimon: i'm not burkhard but i might be able to sheet some additional light on that: the looper is highly interactive and Remote is required for the feedback you need to operate it. buttons with multiple meanings and states (depending on the actual situation) require the multi LEDs and the display of Remote. without all the visual aid, you don't even know if you're in record or playback. we want to focus on making our looper great fun and that's why it turned out that Remote is requirement. other boards are not supported.
    best, gs

    I tend to think that my Liquid Foot 12+ has enough displays to cover different switch states and enough crazy functionality to control a looper, it is a bit sad to think that my Kemper will have less functionality based on this approach. Why not work with other vendors to offer support where it makes sense or at least give us the option to use midi CC's or NRPN?

  • I tend to think that my Liquid Foot 12+ has enough displays to cover different switch states and enough crazy functionality to control a looper, it is a bit sad to think that my Kemper will have less functionality based on this approach. Why not work with other vendors to offer support where it makes sense or at least give us the option to use midi CC's or NRPN?

    here's a generic example of why things are not that easy. i don't know, if below applies to every 3rd party controller, as i said, it is just to illustrate my point:
    when you hit a button, the controller sends a command of whichever kind. that's easy. but if you have to hold the button for a specific time in order to access a certain mode or define something with the duration of time you're holding that button, things stop working with a simple "send a command" approach. before you start, i'm sure one can find a "workaround" for the hypothetical situation i've described. this here is not intended to be a riddle, it is just an example and also rather simple scenario.
    the bottom line is: we want our looper to be a great performance tool and that's why special hardware is required. and, possible feature upgrades should work instantly, right out of the box.
    best, gs

    Get in touch with Profiler online support team here

  • Understanding what you are saying, there are very flexible boards out there that do support what you describe in your example, I guess my frustration is that I just spent more that what the Remote would cost and don't ever recall reading anything from Kemper stating that only their controller would control all functions? Actually there has been little in the way of feedback and updates, so users have been left to sort out controlling the Kemper on their own without knowing the end result was going to be the frustration that now exists......that is a pretty crappy situation to find yourself in when all you wanted to do was have kemper joy lol

  • @daslave Although I understand your frustration, I don't get your point. You can of course update to the FW that will contain the Looper function and you can access the Ethernet jack in the back of the Kemper - the only thing you will need to have is a piece of equipment that may control the Looper function.
    There has been little in the way of feedback and updates? Users were left to sort out controlling the Kemper on their own? I don't get you. Every FW update has been documented and there's an ongoing manual (addendum) in the support section. Also all of the midi parameters are documented - what is it that you are missing?

  • <p>

    @daslave Although I understand your frustration, I don't get your point. You can of course update to the FW that will contain the Looper function and you can access the Ethernet jack in the back of the Kemper - the only thing you will need to have is a piece of equipment that may control the Looper function.&nbsp;<br />
    There has been little in the way of feedback and updates? Users were left to sort out controlling the Kemper on their own? I don't get you. Every FW update has been documented and there's an ongoing manual (addendum) in the support section. Also all of the midi parameters are documented - what is it that you are missing?


    My point is that anyone who has already spent a considerable amount of money on a controller is now out of luck with regards to the looper functions.

    I have read every page on the giant thread about the KFC, I don't remember ever reading anything that stated that the Kemper controller would be the only controller to control every function. I did read page after page of people wanting details and wondering when it would come to be a real product. That is a long thread, given the time frame that it ran, many of us elected not to wait and now face the proposition of either going without a key feature or having to spend more to get the Remote.

    My comments regarding updates were specific to the KFC details that existed prior to the Remote being revealed, specifics about it were pretty sparse other then proposals and wish lists. As to what I am missing, clearly a looper that requires a Kemper specific controller to be operated, presents a problem, considering I just spent a little over $1000 on a liquid foot controller, which now has been deemed as an unsupported device, I am a bit frustrated.

    It would have been nice to know that the Looper was going to be &quot;Kemper Remote&quot; specific months ago, clearly it was a part of the plan but maybe not communicated as such...

  • @dalsave: Now I get your point. The problem, though, is that there is no offical or forum statement by the developers that promised or mentioned the feature of a looper. Also, I guess, during the process of developing the remote, the developers might have tried to look for ways to integrate the looper into midi functionality, but apparently they have decided against that option. Just see it as if the looper was part of the remote hardware (which in a way it is). Also, I assume that there is still the chance for you to sell the controller you have bought and go for the remote, if you defnitely need to have the looper. Do you remember how the procedure was, when the power heads and power racks were introduced? You had to sell your kemper and had to buy a new (powered) version (with a discount, I believe).
    What I want to say is that you can't really blame the developers to have not mentioned details about something that wasn't existing at the time when you would like to have had this information.

  • I get what you are saying, it just frustrates me that Kempers approach to non Kemper controllers is that they are not supported.

    The Liquid Foot is nuts and I have it controlling my Kemper, a VoiceLive2, launching videos in Ableton Live and controlling lights. It has a network jack on it as well, it just kind of sucks that to have the full Kemper experience I get to spend more and likely not be able to do all the things I am doing now.

    There are likely better loopers on the market so maybe I will just go the route.

  • Too expensive for me. There was a thread before, I can't find it (sorry, maybe it was on another site) where it was rumoured to be about 200-250 Euro and most seem to think that was expensive.
    I wish they would add bank up/down as an option for the TSR pedals. I use the rig up/down all the time. With the performance mode being so easy to copy and paste rigs I don't even bother to turn stomps on an off any more, I just copy the rig to the next slot and turn on/off whatever I need.

  • But getting one may prove tougher than I thought... getting an email through to the waiting list - (this may have already been addressed) - my server keeps rejecting attempts to get my email request through and I fear I'll have to wait even longer to order mine. Anyone have a similar problem and/or fix?

    .[/quote]regarding the email link for forum member waiting list fo K-REMOTE, I could not get it to work, tried several times , kept receiving error messages , I finally copy & pasted , it finally was sent, but I have no idea if it was received by kemper, don't know if I'm on the waiting list or not.

  • As far as i know the Early-Bird Registration is closed and maybe the email adress is not valid anymore.…1863#post191863

    If you didnt get on the waiting list for the FC its probably just as well. In my experience its NEVER a good idea to buy the first release of a brand new product (remember LED fiasco with lunch box). Let the bleeding edgers help Kemper road test it in the real world, THEN buy it. ; )