Have amps, will profile: Choose an amp.

  • Which amp would you like to profile? 58

    1. Friedman Dirty Shirley (18) 31%
    2. Friedman Smallbox (6) 10%
    3. Friedman BE100 (24) 41%
    4. Splawn Quickrod (10) 17%

    Hello All,

    I have an idea that might fun. I have a few nice amps that I'm willing to profile to your specs for free, you choose the amp, mic's, cab, amp settings, etc.

    Here's what I'm thinking, we can vote on the amp, then vote on the speaker/cab, then vote on the mic(s). I'm not sure how to vote on the amp settings and mic placement/mix but I'm sure we can figure that out.

    Please know that I have a day job so I don't have the time to make free custom profiles for everyone, that's why I'm hoping that we can come together as a community and make this a fun project that everyone can benefit from.

    I'm thinking that it would take a minimum of ten people working together to make this worth it, of course the more people the more fun it would be. What do you guys think, do you want to give it a shot? The pole closes on Jan 15, 2015, if you are interested please vote, and let me know what you think :D

  • Don't know these amps, but what a great community idea!! Thank you :)

    Everybody else, chip in!

    Thanks Michael,

    I'm no amp expert but let me share my thoughts on these amps.

    The Dirty Shirley is probably my favorite for it's tone, it is a simple single channel amp with a high and low input, it is the only amp listed that has a tube rectifier, I don't know but I suspect that the tube rectifier is part of its magic. But, with the Kemper I can make this a multi-channel amp which is very cool. This is the demo that sold me on this amp, Lance really nailed what this amp is all about: http://youtu.be/mNWMoMGM8hw

    The Smallbox is a two channel amp, the nice thing about this amp is that the clean channel can get a nice crunch. IMHO this amp sits somewhere between the Dirty Shirley and the BE100.

    The BE100 is an animal, it has four different switches that affect the overdrive channel, there are a lot of really killer tones in this amp. The clean channel is nice, but it doesn't have a gain control so it doesn't really do crunch or edge of breakup.

    The Quickrod is a special amp, the clean channel is okay but the magic is in the gain channel, it is one of those amps that when I first got it I set all of the tone knobs to noon, hit a power cord and thought wow what a killer tone.

  • Hi. New here and I can't figure out how to PM you but I'm interested in your Merged Friedman profiles. (Seriously?! where is the PM option? Am I that lame?) :P

    Haha, that was my bad, I didn't realize that the new forum doesn't have Private Messaging. I'll post a message on your wall, let me know if you don't get it. Thx

  • Well i love the Friedmans!! TAF has profiled some Friedmans but from what I'm aware never uses the SM57 and as a result the profiles sound very vintage. They all have that signature TAF sound but id love to hear something more modern. These amps are known for searing modern day rock tone so id love an SM57 tight on the grill providing at least 90% of the tone - if your able to mix mics you could perhaps take the edge of it with a condenser?? Nothing fancy - just classic :)

    Either way, I like your first HBE profiles. Im not sure how you set it control wise but for me i had to take of a little bass and mid and add some treble to get it cooking with my Les Paul. But thats what the Kemper tone controls are made for :) Have you seen the Rappaport vids?? Can you get this?

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    . Its just a SM57

  • Doug Rappaport is amazing, I always enjoy his demos. I do have an SM57 and a couple of condenser mics so that will certainly be an option.

    EDIT: But I should clarify, this thread is not about me trying to copy a certain tone, it's about the community coming together to profile an amp, then we can test the profile(s) and make some changes and profile again, maybe several times, who knows. The ultimate goal is to make some nice profiles and learn some new profiling techniques along the way. Hopefully we all learn some nice profiling tricks and walk away with some nice free profiles. And if all goes well, we'll move on to the next amp, which by the way I have more amps than what was listed, and maybe others have some nice amps too and will start a similar project, that would be awesome.

    Edited once, last by timowens (January 1, 2015 at 10:17 PM).

  • Doug Rappaport is amazing, I always enjoy his demos. I do have an SM57 and a couple of condenser mics so that will certainly be an option.

    EDIT: But I should clarify, this thread is not about me trying to copy a certain tone, it's about the community coming together to profile an amp, then we can test the profile(s) and make some changes and profile again, maybe several times, who knows. The ultimate goal is to make some nice profiles and learn some new profiling techniques along the way. Hopefully we all learn some nice profiling tricks and walk away with some nice free profiles. And if all goes well, we'll move on to the next amp, which by the way I have more amps than what was listed, and maybe others have some nice amps too and will start a similar project, that would be awesome.

    :thumbup: ORsome! This is gonna be great!!!!!

  • Well i love the Friedmans!! TAF has profiled some Friedmans but from what I'm aware never uses the SM57 and as a result the profiles sound very vintage. They all have that signature TAF sound but id love to hear something more modern. These amps are known for searing modern day rock tone so id love an SM57 tight on the grill providing at least 90% of the tone - if your able to mix mics you could perhaps take the edge of it with a condenser?? Nothing fancy - just classic :)

    Either way, I like your first HBE profiles. Im not sure how you set it control wise but for me i had to take of a little bass and mid and add some treble to get it cooking with my Les Paul. But thats what the Kemper tone controls are made for :) Have you seen the Rappaport vids?? Can you get this?

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    . Its just a SM57

    Doug Rappaport is amazing, I always enjoy his demos. I do have an SM57 and a couple of condenser mics so that will certainly be an option.

    EDIT: But I should clarify, this thread is not about me trying to copy a certain tone, it's about the community coming together to profile an amp, then we can test the profile(s) and make some changes and profile again, maybe several times, who knows. The ultimate goal is to make some nice profiles and learn some new profiling techniques along the way. Hopefully we all learn some nice profiling tricks and walk away with some nice free profiles. And if all goes well, we'll move on to the next amp, which by the way I have more amps than what was listed, and maybe others have some nice amps too and will start a similar project, that would be awesome.

    Actually, I need to kind of take back what I just said, I've been watching this video and that sure is some great tone. In the past I have watched videos like this and looked at the amp to get the tone settings, also read the text to see what speakers were used etc., I've even contacted certain artist directly to get more info on their tone, and most of the time that info did help in my quest for tone. If you guys want go by videos like this that is great, whatever gets the job done lets go for it. Whenever we get to the point of selecting speakers, cabs and mics any info gained from demos like this would probably be helpful for sure. It will all be up to you guys to make these decisions, and there really aren't any rules as to how you come up with profiling methods so lets have some fun!

  • Haha, that was my bad, I didn't realize that the new forum doesn't have Private Messaging. I'll post a message on your wall, let me know if you don't get it. Thx

    If it can be of help, you can PM a member (if they have allowed it on their settings) by using Conversations (the cartoon balloons aside their name and the magnifier on their user profile) :)

  • It looks like the BE100 is in the lead. What do you guys think, should we go with the BE100 and move on to speaker and mic choice tomorrow or wait a couple more days to see if the results change?

    It's up to you Tim. I'd like to see all of the amps you mentioned done so concentrating on each starting with the BE/HBE would work great for me!

  • Yeah, what 1fastdog said :) IMO too.

    I'm going on vacation in a few days too so I won't be here to view the progress that much (LOL like there wasn't internet in Tenerife!) either but looking forward to this effort very much! It's great you're doing this Tim kudos!