Headphone Monitoring Question

  • Yes and no.
    The signal sent to the two outputs has the same tone, unless some specific effect\Eq is applied on either one. The issue tho is that most likely a random pair of headphones and a random PA system will never sound the same in themselves.

    There's no direct solution to that, since you don't know how a given audio system in a venue sounds unless you get to know it in detail by direct experience.
    The indirect solution would be to use the most possible linear system for tweaking your tones at rehearsals\home. This won't ensure the result you're seeking per se, but will (statistically) minimize the differences between your monitoring and the generic PA you're going to play through.
    If you only tweak through HPs, I'd buy a very good pair (I'd advise about a minimal impedance of 300 ohm if you connect them directly to the Profiler) and would consider a dedicated preamp if price is not an issue.
    Certainly a better solution would be to use a very good pair of linear cabs tho (IOW, a smaller PA).


  • You can't really...

    Even when using a traditional guitar rig, what comes out of FOH is probably not the same as what is coming out of the cab.

    It depends on the mic
    Mic Placement
    any processing being done on the console

    I know an engineer that uses a ton of multiband compression on the guitar for the band he tours with because the guitar tone in the amp is so bad. By the time he is done the guitar sounds completely different.