Roland FC-300

  • It IS a tank! And yes, the display is small (8 digits, if I remember correct), but the Behringer's display is even smaller (3 digits, I think). Plus: the FC-300 can show patch names.

    I could have farted and it would have sounded good! (Brian Johnson)

  • Are there more people who are using the FC-300?
    I'd really love to be able to save the state of the CTL buttons per patch (in patch mode) but it is not possible. By doing this, you'd be able to synchronise the LEDs with the stomps you are switching.
    Am I the only one, who likes to do this?
    I know that Roland doesn't update its products very often, but if many people request this feature, perhaps they will do something about it.

  • I had the same problem with the Roland FC-300: this controller has really many features and is built like a tank, but the problem about showing the state of the CTL buttons can definitely not be solved.
    ...and I won't expect a firmware-fix by Roland ;)

    So I sent it back during my one month money-back guarantee.

    Then I bought a "Microdesignum Midi Grande" and am totally satisfied now:…ers/MIDI-Grande

    Another good solution might be the "Godius Little Giant":

  • I have just been looking at the Midi Grande. Not seen these before and they look really good. I can't work out from their website whether it's possible to configure the switches in two layers i.e. Layer 1 outputs patch changes while Layer 2 outputs CC messages. I generally prefer to work this way with foot controllers. How do you rate the reliability?

  • The MIDI Grande can exactly do this and I use it as I assume you also want to:
    to each button up to 8 commands (PC or CC) can be assigned. There is a global setting for the order of the command types the belongs to all switches, layers & registers: I use PC - CC - CC - ... - CC in "program (normal) mode" for my kemper.

    A nice feature is, that you alwas have two layers on each switch:
    First press of a switch (LED is green): layer one with it's commands (in global set order PC - CC - ...)
    Second press the same switch (LED is red): layer two with other commands.

    For example I use layer one of switch one for general rhythm-sound and the second layer for a slight boost: in both the PC is set to 01, the difference between them is, that in layer one the booster ("X-Effect") is switched off by the first CC, in the second layer the first CC is set switched on.
    Of course it would be possible to call another PC and other CCs (up to 7) in the second layer.

    It's also possible to assign the expression pedal to different CCs in each switch/layer setting, so I only need a single expression pedal and use it for wah, volume, ...

    For more details of the programming you can find the manual here:…I-Grande-manual

    The reliability of my MIDI Grande 7F1D (old version from 2014) is very good. The only problem I ever had is, that once it lost the configuration: but this was my fault, because I use it with battery power (on a completely wireless board) and as the voltage fell below the needed minimum something went wrong... ;) After this "accident" I fixed this by installing a low-voltage warning LED.

    I definitely would buy it again!

  • I've been using the FC-300 for some time now. For my needs it is perfect. Did not want to have to carry around/set up additional expression pedals. Also don't have a song in my setlist that exceeds 5 presets. I assign a midi preset to every profile I use. If i want a specific effect I will set up a specific profile. The front row of 5 buttons make it very easy to navigate while playing without having to concentrate on the pedal board. Ex: Song 1 may use presets 1-4. If I am switching to another amp profile and different effects for the next song I may program that song to 6-10, etc.

  • I'm a big fan of the FC-300. I've had mine for 4 years and have done around 500 gigs and yes it's a tank. My EXP2 toe switch is too sensitive needs adjustment, only problem I've ever had. I can switch modes on the fly and have 14 CC's available once I pick the profile I'm fine with everything except the LED state issue. It won't talk to the Kemper so eventually I plan on getting something like the BJDevices TB-12 and 2 expression pedals. What ever I get I hope it's as tough as the Roland.