FS in USA - white toaster, unpowered, absolutely mint, $1600

  • Definitely looks like a good deal at Reverb.com. Of course they don't have anything like the number of eyes on their site as e.g. Amazon (my Amazon listings consistently sell in a matter of hours) but they seem to be rating pretty high in search results lately.

    Of course, as soon as I find a good venue for selling, I get cold feet... spent a couple of hours playing through the KPA last night and really enjoyed it. Waffling again. I might have to cool my jets and think about this for a week or two. :rolleyes: Viabcroce's progress with the Ambrosi power amp isn't making the decision any easier.

  • Reverb Is the only place I'd ever sell gear if I want it sold quickly, safely, and online. Never eBay because they are inextricably tied to the international scammers PayPal and those who have a scam relationship with scamming financial Institutions can successfully steal your gear and money and still try to make more. Seriously , PayPal is a real scam site in the Philippines, I know from being scammed and someone who worked there, and eBay is full of scammers : ( if you ever wondered why /how people scam in eBay still and aren't banned nnow you know why)

    Reverb is a great service for musicians and you don't need paypal to sign up or get robbed, . I'm not keen on Craigslist though I do regular business because I'm in NYC and there the best prices on and offline and the metro area has it used if anydhere in the city does, if I am not taking online payment or shipping, otherwise Reverb is the ONLY LEGIT music marketplace, plus their fees are 0-3.5% vs eBay/paypals 15%

  • I'll just add to that that an Amazon seller account is great when you have that $100-ish commodity item to sell in a hurry. If it's something Amazon already carries new, you can piggyback your used listing onto their existing page in seconds, and get a HUGE audience looking at it, and feeling pretty safe about buying because they're on such a familiar site. The only downside is their percentages are high. For inexpensive items that's OK, but in a case like this, by the time I pad the sale to make it worth my while, it's no longer attractive to a potential buyer.

  • Reverb Is the only place I'd ever sell gear if I want it sold quickly, safely, and online. Never eBay because they are inextricably tied to the international scammers PayPal and those who have a scam relationship with scamming financial Institutions can successfully steal your gear and money and still try to make more. Seriously , PayPal is a real scam site in the Philippines, I know from being scammed and someone who worked there, and eBay is full of scammers : ( if you ever wondered why /how people scam in eBay still and aren't banned nnow you know why)

    Reverb is a great service for musicians and you don't need paypal to sign up or get robbed, . I'm not keen on Craigslist though I do regular business because I'm in NYC and there the best prices on and offline and the metro area has it used if anydhere in the city does, if I am not taking online payment or shipping, otherwise Reverb is the ONLY LEGIT music marketplace, plus their fees are 0-3.5% vs eBay/paypals 15%

    So if you don't use PayPal, how do you get your payments when using Reverb?

    Go for it now. The future is promised to no one. - Wayne Dyer

  • You create a reverb vendor account, very simple 2 step:
    1 create account
    2 add a bank account/routing number to receive auto payments

    now difference here is reverb is the opposite of ebaysl size, it's not a international mess of 50 hub sites all held together by a scamstitution

    the owners are reachable for any issues, great staff support, 0- 3.5-5/7.5% commission and straight payment, so PayPal can't freeze funds for fraudulent buyers to do a reversal, and of course the financial institution is your own bank, not the PayPal bank of the Pilipino online

    simply can't lose, and I encourage any and all to leave PP cuz if u have a bank account, your institution offers the same service PayPal does but free, plus no reversal from your Own. Bank, they can protect you in event of scam unlike paypal

    so maybe step 0 would be set up your online bank account...I like buying on forums but I won't pay unless money order/bank check it Wells Fargo billpay

    look into it and I hope you drop those PayPal bastards and screw eBay/pp rediculous 15% commission