Soldano SLO 100 - where are the best?

  • Where can I find the best Soldano SLO 100 profiles?
    I've tried many on RM and there are some good ones; but I'm still looking.
    Think Mick Mars / Dr. Feelgood kinda tone; but with the ability to roll back the volume and respond well...

  • Hi Jim,

    I have the Amp Factory SLO, and that sounds pretty sweet. Is quite a lot of extra eq shaping going on I think before and after the amp. Not sure if anywhere else has a more 'raw' profile, depends on what you want.

    FWIW - I was using it to get a Matt Pike / High on Fire sound.


  • I know this is an old thread.Nevermind.I like the TAF-profiles of the SLO very much.As well as the Lammert-ones.But I am still searching for "the lead" profile of all the hardrock-players from the late 80s/early 90s who used this SLO-100..George Lynch used it.(wicked sensation),Mathias Jabs,Gary Moore..Warren de Martini etc..a dedicated "hair-metal"-profile.. :D

    I also wonder that there is no "money for nothing" or "still got the blues" profile.

    As @tnipe said some months ago.Not so many SLO-100 profiles out there.. ;(

  • I know this is an old thread.Nevermind.I like the TAF-profiles of the SLO very much.As well as the Lammert-ones.But I am still searching for "the lead" profile of all the hardrock-players from the late 80s/early 90s who used this SLO-100..George Lynch used it.(wicked sensation),Mathias Jabs,Gary Moore..Warren de Martini etc..a dedicated "hair-metal"-profile.. :D

    I also wonder that there is no "money for nothing" or "still got the blues" profile.

    As @tnipe said some months ago.Not so many SLO-100 profiles out there.. ;(

    Check my Pack:…troller=product

    Stay Metal!

  • I know this is an old thread.Nevermind.I like the TAF-profiles of the SLO very much.As well as the Lammert-ones.But I am still searching for "the lead" profile of all the hardrock-players from the late 80s/early 90s who used this SLO-100..George Lynch used it.(wicked sensation),Mathias Jabs,Gary Moore..Warren de Martini etc..a dedicated "hair-metal"-profile.. :D

    I also wonder that there is no "money for nothing" or "still got the blues" profile.

    As @tnipe said some months ago.Not so many SLO-100 profiles out there.. ;(

    Few clips from my profile packs... I know a Soldano HotRod 50 isn't an SLO, Gary Moore sometimes used a Hot Rod 50 though (single channel) amp. I owned a '92 SLO before I became Kemperfied, the early one channel Hot Rods are really close. I actually compared one to a friend's SLO years ago directly, I won't tell you they were the same but they were really close. Anyways, few clips for you...

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    Last Soldano clip wasn't exactly the Moore tone (or playing!) but it was close enough to make me want to record a clip with a backing.


  • All nice profiles.Honestly.Sure I can "tweak" some of these profiles to get very close to what I want.Some EQs here,less gain there etc..

    But..I am waiting still for some one to produce THE 80´s SLO-100 lead profile.Lots of gain(but not too much).Endless sustain,great dynamics,in the same time aggressive and elegant..ideal for pitch harmonics with a "fat sounding guitar" (I have my Les Paul in mind).

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    Poser-stuff.. :D

    My aim is to find a profile and to tweak it as little as possible.This is where the KPA is at its best imo.;)

    Edited once, last by Nikos (July 17, 2015 at 10:53 PM).

  • Yeah..this was THE lead sound of all the lads back then in the late 80s/early 90s.
    Actually to get THIS sound you have to turn the master up beyond the half.. <X

    One of the reasons I got the Dual Rectifier back than in the early 90s.. (which I use mostly for my lead sounds).Still had the money left to get the Steavens Poundcake for my rythem sounds.

    But since then I still "dream" and WANT this single lead sound of the SLO. ;)

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    Poser-stuff.. :D

    Yeah - Lynch Mob! Holy smokes, George was on top of his art! Killer chops, killer songs, killer tone!

  • I made my decision and will as soon as possible buy the TAF-soldano-profiles.Maybe sinmix´profiles will be next.

    Thanx to all for your help.


    I will keep my eyes open if more SLO-profiles will come in the future.

  • I made my decision and will as soon as possible buy the TAF-soldano-profiles.Maybe sinmix´profiles will be next.

    Thanx to all for your help.


    I will keep my eyes open if more SLO-profiles will come in the future.

    do it and try all options :thumbup: What i can give you its 100% Guarantee that's my profiles sounds good on all profiled cab/mic combination. How you use them - is up to you :) end of story!

    Stay Metal!