• Michael , Have you used any ther commercial profiles ( e.g. - of Andy's TAF profiles etc... ) or just your own amp profiles live ?

    I've bought some amp factory profiles in the past but I think everything I use live is stuff I've profiled except for an Avalon preamp profile for my acoustic. I just get exactly what I want to hear out of mine. It's all subjective.

    M Britt Profiles - mbritt.com
    Guitarist for Lonestar

  • No comment on clean profiles?

    I'll leave it up to others to comment on the quality of the clean profiles, but I just want to let you know a few of the details on the ones included in the pack. There are roughly 15 clean profiles including the following amps:

    3rd Power Dream Weaver prototype Blackface - it's somewhere between a blackface Bassman and a Deluxe, very even and tweakable
    67 Deluxe Reverb - 1967 Blackface Deluxe Reverb with gain on about 4
    Bassman 100 - silverface 100w Bassman for scoop mid silver face sound
    Divided By 13 ERT33 - 4-EL84-based amp, a little like a Vox but with a bigger bottom end, crystal clear on top but not brittle
    Divided By 13 FTR37 - 4-6V6-based amp, like a thicker Deluxe sound
    Divided By 13 LDW39 - EL34-based amp, a little Marshall-y but more unique top end
    62 Bandmaster - blonde Bandmaster with brownface transition sound, somewhere between a Tweed and Blackface
    Princeton - Headstrong Lil King version of a blackface Princeton Reverb
    Bassman - 1968 dripedge Bassman, blackface bassman clean sound

    You can hear clips of these sounds on the website: http://www.mbrittprofiles.com/profiles.html

    Hope this helps.

    M Britt Profiles - mbritt.com
    Guitarist for Lonestar

  • Thanks Mike for these awesome profiles. Where were you a year ago ? I could have saved a lot of money on commercial profiles.

    I love the cleans included: Warm-Open-Chime-Sparkle what more do you need.

    Love the all the 3rd power, Marshall, Bletchley. Trainwreck, Naylor with my PRS Humbuckers.

    My Strat loves all of them. The bad now I'm looking for a Tele.

    Thanks again

  • are these "raw" profiles ?

    ive bought some profiles only to find lots off eq in the fx section.

    turning them off, the basic profile is average , nothing special. :(

    Most of these profiles have flat (or near flat) eq's in the amp section. I don't think there are any eq's still on in the fx sections but if there are, they are minor. I'm a fan of good raw amps sounds. There may be a subtle compressor on a few, which can be easily turned off without a huge difference. Over time I have removed most additional eq's.

    M Britt Profiles - mbritt.com
    Guitarist for Lonestar

  • I went back today and pulled out my PRS Soapbar 22 with 3 Lollar P90s. Did a comparison of the clips on website to the profiles in the pack, and they are dead on, what you hear from the sample clips is exactly what the profiles sound like through my studio monitors.

    Great set of profiles, highly recommended...

    Michael, are you guys here in Scottsdale, AZ soon? Thought I heard an ad on the radio this morning about LoneStar being here?


  • Ok, I bought the pack, here is my point of view (tested with my Fender '66 "reference"-strat):

    - I found some really nice clean profiles
    - the crunch and higher gain profiles generally sound muddy to me (too many low mids), I'm missing treble
    - I don't like the KPA-compressor on a lot of profiles, I prefer real raw profiles

    My conclusion: crunch and high gain profiles from MW, Andy and Armin are much better (for my taste), if you're looking for clean profiles and crunch/gain-profiles with a lot of mids/low mids and less treble, maybe this could be the right pack for you.

    first name: Guenter / family name: Haas / http://guenterhaas.weebly.com/

    Edited once, last by guenterhaas (September 29, 2014 at 9:47 PM).

  • Ok, I bought the pack, here is my point of view (tested with my Fender '66 "reference"-strat):

    - I found some really nice clean profiles
    - the crunch and higher gain profiles generally sound muddy to me (too many low mids), I'm missing treble
    - I don't like the KPA-compressor on a lot of profiles, I prefer real raw profiles

    My conclusion: crunch and high gain profiles from MW, Andy and Armin are much better (for my taste), if you're looking for clean profiles and crunch/gain-profiles with a lot of mids/low mids and less treble, maybe this could be the right pack for you.

    guenterhaas, would you say that the samples on the website miss treble too, or that you get this result with your personnal setup/guitar etc. If I ask it's because I don't especialy feel a lack of treble when I listen to the samples.

  • guenterhaas, would you say that the samples on the website miss treble too, or that you get this result with your personnal setup/guitar etc. If I ask it's because I don't especialy feel a lack of treble when I listen to the samples.

    Samples are imho not always helpful, they might sound totally different just with a different guitar. The samples on the webside sound different to me and I'm using guitars with a lot of treble ('58 strat, '66 strat. '66 tele, '70 tele). I just can tell that -compared to the MW-pack and my favourite profiles from Andy and Armin- I'm missing generally treble, not on the clean profiles, but on the crunch/distorted ones. Compared to the profiles I'm used to, the MBritt-pack has a mid/low mid boost I don't like that much. For me most profiles sound like "behind a curtain", compared to the more direct and more "crisp" profiles I'm used to.

    I'm sure that some will like that mid-boost, the different comments here tell different stories, I just can tell you my point of view. For me the MW-pack is outstanding and worth every cent, of course Andy and Armin offer a lot of great profiles, too.

    I bought the MBritt-pack because of the enthusiastic reactions here in this thread, but for me it wasn't worth to buy it.
    I'll just keep a few clean profiles and delete the rest, putting the KPA-compressor on many profiles is an eyewash, too... Either a profile sounds well without tweaking/adding effects or it's simply not a good profile. ;)

    first name: Guenter / family name: Haas / http://guenterhaas.weebly.com/

    Edited 2 times, last by guenterhaas (September 30, 2014 at 1:21 AM).

  • I own a Gibson LP Slash model and will give the Marshall profiles when I get a chance.

    As for the muddy gain profiles I'm not getting that from my setup. I have added a very small amount of treble and took out a small amount of bass on the Kemper EQ for my PRS and it sounds great.

    I own alot of Andy's profiles and had to tweak everyone for my setup and I have a few profiles I don't care for and Andys reply was learn how to tweak them. So according to his reply they are bad profiles correct?

    I dont use the compressor I just turn it off. No big deal.

    Next and last commercial buy for me is the MW pack.

  • Quoted from "Pick909"

    Either a profile sounds well without tweaking/adding effects or it's simply not a good profile.

    Probably the fairer thing to say would be it's not a good profile for your particular guitar(s) and/or playing style? It's like saying an real amp is not a good amp if you have to tweak the knobs. :P The demos on the website sound pretty good to me as far as frequency but obviously he has profiled/tweaked them to work with "his" guitars and rig.

  • Clearly, it would be too much to expect everyone to have the same opinions of my profiles, and my style of playing and my profiles may not be everyone's taste and I understand that. I respectfully disagree on the comment regarding the compressor. It's easy to shut it off without effecting the integrity of the profile to any great extent. The mix on the compressor is only set around 50% and the amount of compression is near negligible. When using in-ear monitors with powerful drivers millimeters from your eardrums, it's sometimes nice to have a little less transient assault on the ol' eardrums. Tone is a subjective thing and I'm just thrilled at the amount of positive response I have received, so a heartfelt THANK YOU to all who have commented and emailed me. I don't expect everyone to think the same way I do, but I'm very happy that so many have found my profiles useful and even "inspiring." I just know what I like to hear and was hoping others may want to hear something similar. Feel free to adjust and tweak to your liking.

    I just shot an impromptu Gear Video at last Friday's gig for anyone interested: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zpNLYkwwkAo&feature=youtu.be</a>

    or on my site: MBritt Profiles My Rig

    Thanks again and if you have any other related questions, feel free to ask...

    M Britt Profiles - mbritt.com
    Guitarist for Lonestar