If I Wanted To Step Up From KRK Rokit 5's...

  • Maybe the people who have chimed in so far with monitor suggestions would care to share what they use the monitors for, and how much they use them? i.e. Paid mixing, leisure mixing, 10 hours a week, 40 hours a week, blah blah blah... Just to understand where everyone is coming from. These points are NEVER discussed in threads like these, and I do think they are EXTREMELY important when asking for advice on the internet - or from anyone, really. But we all tend to forget that part of it, both when we ask and when we answer. I know I do often enough :)

    I recommended the Yamaha HS-80's.
    I have exclusively mixed my Band BEAT CRAZY's latest album 'Lowbridge' on them.
    Many hours of experience. ;)

  • Maybe the people who have chimed in so far with monitor suggestions would care to share what they use the monitors for, and how much they use them?

    I agree on this.
    I use monitors in my personal studio for making music (Profiler, keyboard), for producing my own music, for listening to music.

    ATM I'm using exclusively a couple of active CLRs for all the above-mentioned purposes. While I would not advise about the CLRs for music programs, I definitely believe they are extremely good for the other tasks.
    Of course I also take one CLR out when I gig and when I need an amp/personal monitor.

    @ Ingolf: Yeah, MS was probably referring to PA-like cabs :)
    As Mr. Mitchell has explained, in certain music "dialects" a studio monitor is a more or less linear cab not able to produce high SPLs :D

  • I had the smaller Yamaha' s and upgraded them to the larger HS80's plus their matching sub. I ran without the sub for over a year and strongly recommend the sub. The monitors alone are great but having the sub just adds more definition and power and give you more a feel like you get when playing an amp. It is "not" the "amp in the room" sound but it certainly adds toward that feel at a lower volume than an actual amp.

    "Tone is in the fingers" is not a necessary response to anything that I might type on any internet forum threads. Thank you.