Performance level lower vs. rig of the same...why?

  • Perhaps it has been covered on the forums but I couldn't find it in search:

    If I load a rig, listen to it and then load the same rig into a Performance slot why is the level in Performance much lower and/or sound different than the same rig in Browser? Both Volume and Master Volume are set the same and even turning up the Volume of the Performance version to match the level it doesn't sound the same as the rig in Browser mode. The Output settings are the same too. I must be missing something obvious!

    Edit - PS: Using 2.6 and I don't remember this in prior versions but maybe I didn't notice it.

    Thanks in advance for any help.


    Edited 2 times, last by WillB (September 10, 2014 at 2:45 AM).

  • Yes Timo is spot on. Shortly after I got my KPA I noticed the same thing. After reading the manual again I found that that I needed to check the input settings and locking. Clean Sens, Distorted Sens, and Noise Gate are part of any rig, but can be locked. However locking in Browse and Performance Mode are separate. So you could have locked other values between those two.

  • Thank you very much Timo.

    I didn't realize that after an adjustment in either (browser and performance) section it auto-locks those settings when exiting. Previously I had experimented with clean and distorted settings in Performance mode and they were left subtly different. I matched the settings Performance to Browser and they sound identical.

    Thanks rreda too.
