Looking for Classic Eventide Micro pitch effect

  • I had an Eventide H9 but sold it before I bought the Kemper. I used the classic H949 Micropitch setting all the time and I'm not getting quite the same effect on the Kemper. Is anyone getting the Eventide setting on the Kemper or should I buy another H9? I'm not really getting the same vibe.

  • The KPA has an effect called Micro Pitch which is the same thing. I have an Eventide Pitchfactor which also has the Micropitch and from what I recall the settings I used on the KPA were a little different than what you might expect to achieve the same thing. The Detune and Mix controls are somewhat critical to get the same sound.

    I would have to pull up my KPA settings but I seem to recall the mix needs to be below 50% to sound right where on the Eventide it needed to be more towards 100% and the detune needs to be pretty shallow depending on the effect you are going for.

    But I use it in a cover band for several '80's hard rock tunes and it gets very close or identical to the Pitchfactor, the Eventide was just easier to dial in. If you want my exact KPA settings I can pull those up for you. I matched the "default" Micropitch preset on my Pitchfactor which is probably the same as the H9 since they use the same processor.


  • I will get it hooked up and let you know--it's in my live rack rig. I always run the Micropitch post amp since that is how they did it back in the day. It doesn't sound good before amp unless it's a clean tone.

    Also, I run my KPA in stereo and while it's not critical it does make the Micropitch sound much cooler. I have used the same settings in mono previously.

    I'll get back with you all later tonight on my settings if I can.


  • Hey, sorry for the delay--got a little busy at work!

    Here are my settings. YMMV of course.

    Micro Pitch (post amp)
    Detune - 5.2
    Crossover - 20.6kHz (off--adjust to taste if flabby low end needs to be reduced)
    Mix - 50%
    Ducking - 0.0
    Volume - +1.2 (to compensate for the effect having reduced the overall volume--should be close to unity between effect on/off)

    It also enhances the effect to also use a strong slap delay afterwards. I have that on all of my presets with Micro Pitch since they used that a lot back in the '80's as well.

    For that I use Free Delay
    Mix - 50%
    Time - 94ms
    Ratio - 4:4
    Feedback - 11%
    Adjust the rest to taste.

    Hope that helps give you a starting point. I found it a pain to carry around extra pedals and using the FX loop will slightly degrade your tone unless you use high quality cables and buffers--even then it's not always 100% the same. I also didn't like carrying $900 worth of Eventide pedals (TimeFactor and PitchFactor) to gigs as awesome as they are. Just too much hassle when now all I need is a KPA and FCB1010 and I'm set. The KPA effects are high quality but not as much mojo as the Eventide but they are not all that far off if you tweak them right. I would actually say the KPA Pitch effects are better than the Eventide at harmonies and detuning and the ability to play polyphonic notes and chords, which the Eventide does not do well at. About the only thing the Eventide does better is having delayed pitch so you can do Steve Vai-type stuff. But that's not always practical other than having fun by yourself. :D

    I will say that the Eventide delays are a lot better and there is more you can do with them. I miss my TimeFactor quite a bit. The KPA delays are just "there" and sound good but have no mojo or life to them. They are really just like an excellent digital delay with the ability to apply a filter to make them sound slightly more analog-like. The KPA delays remind me of the old TC Electronic units.
