multiple stereo pedals in Kemper's effects loop - how to connect

  • Just moved the Mobius up front as gniedelman suggested.
    That sounds much better than having all of them in the stereo loop.

    Still debating whether to go the midi route or not.
    Since I mounted them high I need some foot controls. But how much for home playing?
    I definitely need something for the looper and up and down banks/ presets.

    Simple ideas?

  • I suggest looking through the manuals for those products. They have pretty extensive documentation as far as midi control goes. Almost every paramater can be tweaked and all 3 buttons can be activated using midi CC. Also obviously every patch can be pulled up at any time using midi program changes.

    Thanks but I don't need every parameter of the pedals to be controlled. That is why I mounted them high.
    So I can do all that.

    I am trying to keep it simple instead trying to remember all the switching configurations of a full control board.

    I only want to control the looper on the timeline, which is 3 switches. Strymon actually sells one just for this.
    I am considering it but they are quite proud of it. They want $100 for it. That will work only one pedal though and I would like to bank up and down on each pedal. So all said and done I am getting close to $2000 on the effects side.

    That is just getting ridiculous.

    That is why I was asking for recommendations for something that would do just what I need.
    MIDI or not.