2 x DXR10's or 1 x CLR for backline?

  • What do you think your missing? I guess if you are not running the KPA through a PA then you get to hear it in stereo, it does sound nice. But if your just going to use it as a reference monitor I just don't see what you would be missing. I have a EV ZLX12P I run live through the monitor out and XLR main out to the PA for live, smaller clubs I just have the soundman give me my mix through the house monitors. From all the feedback on the forum and from some of my musician friends I am going to get IEM. Many advantages in that low volume, hear better and if you sing backups better harmonies. For me personally I don't think its worth the extra money especially for a CLR. My other choice over the ZLX was a DXR but again it was not worth $200 difference in sound. I think both the ZLX and the DXR are comparable FRFR's and should be priced around the same.

  • This is indeed a difficult question.
    Sometimes you don't know what you're missing until....
    you hear your profiler rigs in a totally uncoloured way for example.

    If you're totally satisfied with the DXR, get a kick of playing your rigs through it and get compliments every night about how great you sound, then why change?
    But if you think the situation could be improved (by adding a second DXR) I think you should first treat yourself to a CLR.

    As for the price difference between DXR and ZLX.
    I have both and find the DXR superior.
    That said, the quality difference between the DXR and the ZLX is not as big as between the ZLX and a 100.-€ cab.
    The higher the quality the more you pay when you still want to increase it.

    EDITED for typos.

  • But if you think the situation could be improved (by adding a second DXR) I think you should first treat yourself to a CLR

    And this is really at the heart of my question here. I was indeed wondering whether I could improve my sound by adding a second DXR10, or whether it would be better to go with a CLR. So many thanks indeed Ingolf.