Hotel California

  • I'm sure you'll get better advise when the big nerds chime in! Meanwhile, AFAIK the two solos are not at a fixed interval from each other. So you'd need to set a pedal in order to change the harmonization intervals depending on the measures you're at. I know people who did it, but on other devices, not yet sure this can be achieved on the Profiler.

    You serve guys :D

  • I haven't sat down to program Hotel California (I hope to do a cover someday), but when I do Gilmour's dueling guitar harmonies I sometimes "cheat" and do different harmony notes on top of the same main note by programming User Scale 2 to be all unison except that one note. So for example, let's say in D major (B minor), you need a B harmony note over an F# in one passage, but in another passage you need an A# over an F#:

    1) Set User Scale 1 to give you +5 steps (perfect 4th) over the 5th note (F#).
    2) Set User Scale 1 to give you +5 steps (perfect 4th) over the 4th note (F).
    3) Set User Scale 2 to give you +1 step (minor 2nd) over the 4th note (F).
    4) Set all other User Scale 2 notes to 0 steps unless you want other conditional harmony notes.
    5) Set the Mix to 100% and set the Voice Mix to balance the main and harmony notes.

    So when you play F# on your fretboard, you'll hear F# and B and when you play F on your fretboard you'll hear F# and A#. It takes some practice to get used to playing a "wrong" note. If it's too much of a braintwister to play that way, then like viabrcroce says you'll have to program different harmonies in different rigs and use footswitches to select them as you play. My cheating method works smoother for me.

  • It should be as simple as using the Harmonic Pitch effect and selecting the proper Key that the solo is in. I beleive the Kemper then generates up to 2 intelligent harmony notes in the key you are soloing in. Not sure you need to generate any custom user scales . You may have to create another patch that utilizes a different scale if one of the harmony notes changes the set interval. For might have the intelligent harmoniser playing a 4th above whatever root note of the key you are playing in. The harmony might change to a 7th at some point in the solo. You'll need a 2nd patch for that. But the Harmoniser should intelligently generate the harmony notes in the scale you are playing in.

  • not as easy as 1-2-3. i once did the verse leads for the tc electronics nova system (
    on the nova you cannot use much vibrato to form your tone, cause it would sometimes lead to wrong shifted notes or at least to heavy mistune between played and shifted note... haven't tried it on the kemper yet.

    the essence:
    " and

    chords: || Bm | F#7 | Asus2 | E9 (/G#) | G | D | Em7 | F#7 ||
    doing multi-voice arrangements is more than letting a computer do the third. as you can hear in the verse between the first and the second part (between "...bell" and "i was thinking to myself") the first guitar changes the tune, the second doesn't.
    i used these settings:
    Patch1: B Aeolia
    Patch2: B HrmMin
    Patch3: B Ionian (can be another, but works here)

    Bm: Patch1 (or Patch2)
    F#: Patch2
    A: Patch 1
    E: Patch3
    G: Patch1
    D: Patch1
    Em: Patch1
    F#: Patch2

    Voice1: +3, Level: 0dB, Delay 15ms, Mix 75%
    Voice2: unisono, Level: -100dB, Delay 0ms.

    this just works for the verse. for the solo (the chord breaking thing) you often need a 4th instead of a it is either step dancing or ask another guitarplayer to come along. even for the verse you need (in the 2nd example) to leave some tones (with the B Aeolia) out because you need a fourth there too." (burningyen's post: every third note.)

  • Many thanks to all of you who have helped on this. Very much appreciated.

    At the moment I am away at a folk festival and will put into practice the advice you have kindly given when I get back home to my KPA.

    I will try to keep you posted on this.

    Thanks again,