KPA freezing up

  • I have had my Kemper freeze up two times now (at gigs) when switching with my midi pedal. It was NOT the same patch both times either. When I went to switch on the pedal, the KPA just froze up and sound muted completely. I have used the same pedal for two years with no issues.

    Any ideas?


  • What pedal are you using?
    Which firmware are you running?
    Is the pedal connected with two MIDI cables?
    In order to better analyze the problem i would like to ask you to open a ticket at our support page and send me a backup of your Profiler so i can try to recreate the situation.
    I would also need a midifile that contains recordings of your footpedal that provoke the problem.

  • I've had the same problem with mine. It freezes when a midi lead is plugged in for some reason. I just have a midi in from a G-System.

    It happened 3 times in a row at a gig the other night but was fine on the 4th try. I'm using the latest update from 02.06.14

  • What pedal are you using?
    Which firmware are you running?
    Is the pedal connected with two MIDI cables?
    In order to better analyze the problem i would like to ask you to open a ticket at our support page and send me a backup of your Profiler so i can try to recreate the situation.
    I would also need a midifile that contains recordings of your footpedal that provoke the problem.

    axess mfc5 for midi pedal. for firmware.. I gig a lot so I struggle to find the time to update. (1) One Midi cable. I will get the other information you requested asap.

    I think I mis-spoke in my original post. It's not when I turned the midi pedal on, it was when I went to switch profiles/rig for a lead boost or something.

  • You should definetely update to the latest firmware.

    I am starting to think it might be the "new/different midi cable I started using recently.. It's a Monster brand cable and seems to be quality, but it also seems to not "seat" correctly in the midi port on the Kemper, It does not seem to insert as far as the other midi cable does. Would/could a bad midi cable connection cause the unit to freeze? Hope it was just a bad connection issue.

    Btw. I am updating tonight! Downloading RM and updating both of the Kempers!

  • I don't know if a cable inserted incorrectly would freeze the Kemper. At most, I'd expect that a signal would not be transmitted.

    Are you transmitting more than one PC or CC message? Something like that might confuse the Kemper, I'd imagine, but I wouldn't expect it to be unusable beyond a slight delay.

    Nope. Just one msg to change rigs. I am starting over with a clean install. I believe it's the cable. My KPA has worked fine for 2 years now, prior to me using this cable.