How does the Camplifier compare to a good quality 500W PA poweramp ?

  • I recently decided to try out my non-powered Profiler Head through one channel (600W) of my Dynacord S1200 at the rehearsal space and i was quite amazed. It sounded just as full and punchy as with a 100W tube head.

    Since we use the Dynacord for vocals over the PA, I'm now looking to get a dedicated poweramp.

    The Camplifier looks like the ideal solution, but i'm a bit worried it will "thin out" due to lack of headroom at higher volumes and sound more like a pushed 20W head than a 100W head in terms of bass response, clarity and punchynes.

    Has anybody been able to compare the camplifier (180W mono) to a good quality hi wattage poweramp like the dynacord or to a good 100W head?

    Edited once, last by kojak_ (July 3, 2014 at 11:39 PM).