Trainwreck Express

  • Added 3 profiles to the rig exchange of my Trainwreck Express clone.

    To say the Express has a low gain setting is very optimistic at best :) It's a beast.

    Let me know how they work. Only adjustment I made was around amp definition. When profiling the KPA set it at 10 on all three settings, and it was a bit harsh for my tastes.


  • Yes. Great profiling. This amp has excellent touch response. It tracks my playing and has good definition. What I like about your two recent uploads so much is that there is good balance in frequency from low to high.To my ear there is no hype in the low end as well as in the highs.

    Thank you very much for sharing. :)

    Next up.. Friedman BE 100 :P ?

  • Wish I had a Friedman to profile!

    Thanks for the feedback. These have all been done with a Chandler LTD-1 preamp and a Royer121 single mic.

    Very simple and straight forward setup, trying to get a good balanced sound then let people modify and adjust as needed.



  • Great profiles, once again , the express is more edgy than the liverpool, both amps are outstanding !!!

    The sustain is also phenomenal , gain course is fully usable like any good tube amp.

    I keep the express for rhythm and the liverpool for lead , what a luxurious setup :D

    Keep up the profiling , you're doing an excellent job, thx again.