Just finished a video from my band Sowing the Seeds....

  • Just finished a new Sowing the Seeds video... well... it's close enough to share.. there's still some additional work to be added but it's good enough.. Sowing the Seeds

    Randy and I wrote this sitting on my back porch during his visit a couple weeks ago while recording vocal tracks for our upcoming CD, My Hearts Desire. The acoustic was recorded with the Kemper track via LR Baggs M80 pickup (very nice, magnetic and is microphonic in one assembly) and a Neumann mic track, blended together.. guitar effects/ ambiance are via the Kemper..

    It's a laid back tune but has a nice southern style... Enjoy...

    Gettin' funky up in here..

  • lasvideo, I used one from the Rig Exchange.. Vibrochamp 1966, authored by Simon B; it provides a nice edge and brightness, along with reverb and delay. I tweaked it of course but it provides a nice tone.. back in the day we played through blackface Fenders to amplify our acoustics... still sounds good! Thank you.

    rothko61, thank you for listening and the feedback! it's not my intent to offend you with my beliefs, I apologize. I see music as music... a gift that I've been blessed with, like all of us on this site. I'm not especially fond of song with vulgar language but still will listen and provide meaningful feedback, such as you've graciously afforded me.

    thank you alwainwright

    Gettin' funky up in here..