DXR10 in Stereo=BLISS!!

  • Just got my second DXR10 - at first I thought oh dear that doesn't sound great until I remembered to change the master to stereo out..THEN BAM! MANNNNN WOW !! You can really hear into the sounds in more detail,reverbs and delay are bliss. :thumbup::thumbup:

    You're damned if you do and damned if you don't

  • Just got my second DXR10 - at first I thought oh dear that doesn't sound great until I remembered to change the master to stereo out..THEN BAM! MANNNNN WOW !! You can really hear into the sounds in more detail,reverbs and delay are bliss. :thumbup::thumbup:

    Before I had my IEM's I used 2 DXR in stereo and I agree with you mic2002 they sound awesome :thumbup:

  • Stereo just brings the Kemper to life IMO.

    I use my CLR as a monitor, then go stereo through the FOH and it is just wonderful.

    I just can't afford to buy a 2nd CLR, and am hesitant to part with it to buy a pair of other peakers.

  • Ok which would sound better, one CLR or two DXR10's
    being that the price difference isn't that much.

    I've said it before: As good as the DXR 10 is (and I love my DXR 10’s), it won't reach the clarity and balance over the whole frequency spectrum that the CLR has.
    If you buy 2 DXR 10's you still won't get that clarity.
    That said, you will have an awesome stereo solution nonetheless.

  • Thanks for the info Ingolf, I've watched both your single DXR vs CLR videos numerous times and I do hear the boosted mids and the slight boxiness of the DXR. I think this is the toughest part trying to find the best FRFR setup for each person. I guess it comes down to how much clarity am I willing to give up for lighter weight speakers and a stereo setup.

  • It depends for sure on the genre you are playing, but I'm quite sure that the stereo imaging of a couple of good speaker is for 95% of the times better than only one speaker. In my personal opinion and experience, once you decided your budget for your monitors let's say 1000, it is always better to go for two speakers of 500 each instead of one of 1000 ...

  • This is a tough one....

    I only believe that I get such an amazingly blissful tone from the stereo FOH because I dial in my rigs through the CLR 1st, then no matter what you put them through they will still sound great.

    So to get a pair of lesser speakers, IMO scares me because I started off with the Kemper and an EV ELX-112P and I profiled my beloved Hughes & Kettner/VHT rig on it then sold it, and later when I upgraded to the CLR realized that my profiles were trash and was very disappointed.

    Point being that really the best solution would be to have a great pair of studio monitors to dial rigs in that are true and sound great on any FOH system.

    But to me, that costs almost as much as my CLR, so the point is null.

    I guess what I am trying to say is that to go with a cheaper stereo setup that you can gig with, you also need to have a transparent system to dial your rigs on beforehand to get the best results.

    So in the end, you really don;t save much money over just getting 2 CLR's....unfortunately, because I desperately want a 2nd but can't afford it!

  • Very good post and I agree wholeheartedly.
    Let's do some math.
    A CLR is about 1000.- 2 CLR's are about 2000.-
    A Yamaha HS-8 is 268.- (http://www.thomann.de/de/yamaha_hs_8.htm). 2 of them are 536.-
    A proper setup for dialing in rigs would be 536.- then.
    Plus 1000.- for a CLR live. Or 1200.- for 2 DXR 10's live.
    So many options.

  • All great points, and enough to make your head spin with options LOL
    It's all good stuff though, and any advice or input is always greatly appreciated.
    I mainly play rhythm guitar with a little lead. The music I play is Classic rock, Southern rock, blues and 80's hard rock and hair metal. One of the things that Ingolf mentioned in his Shootout #1 video that I found interesting was that the DXR's boxiness and boosted midrange was pretty pleasing on noisy stages and it felt like it kinda had a built in link to a guitar cab which seems to be what some Kemper users are after.

  • Going thru a matrix 1000 plus fr212. For me this is the way to go after comparing all the solutions that are available. Only draw back for some is the weight. Watched Ingolf shootout video comparing CLR against DXR. CLR won ever so slightly but for twice the price and not and hardly any difference I had to question the bang for the buck dilemma could not justify it. Checked out Mark Daly and Tone Merchants(he runs the axe thru a matrix)and in my humble opinion he has one of the best tones on Youtube and decided to lean towards a power amp. Next problem was the speaker. I took a chance and went FRFR and opted for the Matrix speaker and I dare to say I have kick ass guitar amplifiers. Now to get a kick ass guitar.