2 strat rigs from a fine 66 vibrochamp tweaked profile

  • I did record this track 2 days ago :

    The rig I did use on this one is a TWIN freebie by Pete, but since he doesn't want his rigs to be shared out of his own website, I switched to another similar amp/profile.

    Here is the result, even better to my ears : 2 rigs uploaded on the Rig Exchange

    Vibrochamp'66 heavy , the one used on the main heavy riffs & chords - be sure to unlock slots A & B ( Boost & Recti shaper )

    Vibrochamp'66 clean , the one on the chorus and clean parts - No FX here

    Thanks to Pete for inspiration , Simon B for the original 66 vibrochamp profile, and to my own retired JTM30 amp now collecting dust in a closet !

    Hope you enjoy this one on your single coiled strats !

  • These are amazing.

    Had a burst of inspiration with the heavy profile after turning off stomps A and B, finished sketching something i have been stuck with for a while...
    Your reverb settings are saved as a preset now. Very dramatic, just the right tuning... Try adding a delay with frequency on -1.0 and ducking on -1.0.
    Would never have thought to do the cab parameter mods you did for a vintage amp, mind you - which is why i love the whole RE concept.

    Huge thanks! :thumbup:

    "But dignity is difficult to maintain
    stamina requires constant upkeep
    repetition is boring
    and you pay for grace."

  • you're welcome !!

    I have to try those delays settings , thx . Yes my Marshall JTM CAB is pretty good, I use it on a lot of my rigs since it's versatile, warm, punchy.

    Use the gain knob on the 2 rigs , the whole gain course is usable and will lead to great results on clean, crunch and drive settings.

    The recti shaper and boost is useful for the full Hendrix type leads.

  • here is another track featuring the heavy rig on a strat :


    Simon B if you read us , please tell us the story of this amp and provide more profiles from this fantastic Fender classic !!!!