TOP JIMI SUPERLEAD (profiles) i love Marshall sound here can you hear it (make rock proud and loud AGAIN)

  • But, I will tell something about Andy and his service against ( SOME OF ) us BUYERS.
    The story begins like this;
    I bought Marshall Pack and Friedman amps (BROWN EYE And Dirty Shirley ) and by mistake i clicked/order ( two of BROWN EYE ) of course I wanted to order only ONE. So I wrote an email to Mr Andy and asked for him to change one of my order of BROWN EYE to something else.
    Andy NEVER ANSWERED MY EMAIL AND MY WISH....... And then i thought whatever, this must be good stuff `cause I heard so much about Andy´s profiles, but I was wrong. To be honest I think his profiles (I bought) AND service sucks . As a buyer I have all rights to express myself, what do you think about that? Is this wrong `cause I spent my money on this and I want to be satisfied customer.
    I wrote this stuff on your wall (guentermouse, I`m little sorry for that) for a REVANGE to make Andy feel how I FELT. X(X(X(X(X(

    P.S. Guentermouse and Vesmedic Suicide /dear friends to Andy tried to quiet down everything and make me go away. but I think we have every right in the world to express ourselves how the hell we want.There should not be only two guitarists here on the forum that will determine and punish everyone.I HAVE RIGHT TO SAY ..

    Edited 2 times, last by Kempafun (June 7, 2014 at 12:44 AM).

  • You proved what I thought: you're not just a bad guitar-player with absolutely no knowledge about music, you're an unteachable smartass, too.... what you wrote about riffs and melodies (" not need melodies to play riffs") is a bunch of crap.

    I forgot one advice: stay away from drugs....

    You're definetively a psycho, I just put you on my ignore-list and this will be my last post to you.

    first name: Guenter / family name: Haas /

    Edited 2 times, last by guenterhaas (June 6, 2014 at 1:32 AM).

  • Kemper is great product but those who make profiles, like Andy, are not friendly if you think that his profiles are not good. Just so you know. :(

    Im quiet, because frankly I have more productive ways to spent my time than reading your unorganized and aggressive posts, but let me make a few things clear..You do not offend me, you of course have a right in what you say, absolutely, but its the way you address things that are not worthy of support, swearing, bad attitude, aggressive behavior does not meet the requirements for _many_ peoples priority's, hell IF I even received your email (that I did not) then I'd of done something about it, but you didn't.. you can sure try and send it again (check the mail your sending too to make sure its correct) and I will assist you, but try to address it politely please.

    Just a little advise, think before you type, or at least read back what you write before clicking submit.

  • Im quiet, because frankly I have more productive ways to spent my time than reading your unorganized and aggressive posts...

    You're right Andy, it's just wasted time, that's why I have put him on my ignore-list now (the first one ever here in this forum...).

    We are here to share our dedication and experiences with a great digital tool called KPA. ;)
    We are not here to be a punching ball for some frustrated kids being probably under drugs.

    So let's step forward, forget this swedish nagger and let's enjoy life. ;)

    first name: Guenter / family name: Haas /

  • I'd like to say in support of Andy, his profiles are excellent 1st class IMHO and the customer service he offers both before and after you have brought them are 2nd to none. :thumbup::thumbup::thumbup:

    I know Andy is a busy man, but everytime ive emailed him and its sometimes not even been kemper related he has got back to me quickly and with quite long worded replies not just a yes or no which proves to me he has time for his customer base. Which some companies could learn from !!!! :D

  • I'd like to say in support of Andy, his profiles are excellent 1st class IMHO and the customer service he offers both before and after you have brought them are 2nd to none.

    I know Andy is a busy man, but everytime ive emailed him and its sometimes not even been kemper related he has got back to me quickly and with quite long worded replies not just a yes or no which proves to me he has time for his customer base. Which some companies could learn from !!!!

    +1 In my experience, the customer service of both Andy and Armin is very good. I can not tell about others because I haven't need to contact them.

  • But, I will tell something about Andy and his service against ( SOME OF ) us BUYERS.
    The story begins like this;
    I bought Marshall Pack and Friedman amps (BROWN EYE And Dirty Shirley ) and by mistake i clicked/order ( two of BROWN EYE ) of course I wanted to order only ONE. So I wrote an email to Mr Andy and asked for him to change one of my order of BROWN EYE to something else.
    Andy NEVER ANSWERED MY EMAIL AND MY WISH....... And then i thought whatever, this must be good stuff `cause I heard so much about Andy´s profiles, but I was wrong. To be honest I think his profiles (I bought) AND service sucks . As a buyer I have all rights to express myself, what do you think about that? Is this wrong `cause I spent my money on this and I want to be satisfied customer.
    I wrote this stuff on your wall (guentermouse, I`m little sorry for that) for a REVANGE to make Andy feel how I FELT. X(X(X(X(X(

    P.S. Guentermouse and Vesmedic Suicide /dear friends to Andy tried to quiet down everything and make me go away. but I think we have every right in the world to express ourselves how the hell we want.There should not be only two guitarists here on the forum that will determine and punish everyone.I HAVE RIGHT TO SAY ..

    Hey Kempafun!

    While searching the forum for "Superlead" this thread came up. I watched your video 2nd one doesn't exist anymore. Really nice profiles. I do love to play TopJimi's some of Marshall profiles. Especially '74 Superlead and '68 Superlead. :thumbup:

    However, I am disagree about your opinion about Andy. I have 732 profiles that I purchased in my system. 646 out of 732 are Andy's profiles. Most of them sound very good with my guitar / style. So, if they were "suck" as you mentioned, many people like me wouldn't keep buying from TAF, right? Maybe you need to tweak before un-liking them.. I always like Andy's profiles and never felt regret after purchasing. Of course, there are lots of good "Profilers" like TopJimi, M. Britt, Michael Wagener etc. There's no war here, keep buying which ever profile you like. But, it's not good to complain about them with this behavior . As I said, I recommend you to work on profiles before and after purchasing.

    In addition, I bought a bundle last week from TAF which I already have.. Because I bought my KPA from a friend who has bought some profiles before. I realized that when dragging them in to my Purchased folder in RIG MANAGER. It gave a message "0 Rigs have been imported because they're already present in your database". I wrote an e-mail to Andy if anything can be done (and never contacted before). He replied and solved. :thumbup:

    Nearly same situation and wish like yours. The "language" is important. Maybe he didn't saw your mail first or didtn't get it, but after your attitude maybe he prefered to ignore you. No offense, don't get me wrong, about Andy or TAF profiles, the truth is not like you see.

    P.S. I am a sound engineer. In my opinion, TAF profiles are like kind of "mastered'' than the other profiles I played.

    Sound Engineer, Musician, Animal Rights Activist.

    Fender '89 Clapton Strat, EMG DG20, KPA, Martin, SSL, Neve, Manley, Tube-Tech, Millennia, API, Lynx, RME, Avid, Apple, Adam...