Phasing issues on 2.4 (Official release) and Atomic CLR

  • opened a ticket!

    And about mono summing: Yes, in the "phasing" profile I use only reverb (no mod, no delay) and mono (Powerhead to guitar cab).

    This is interesting! :) Maybe this is actually what so many seem to be experiencing at the time...?

    Would be nice to have a mono reverb type in the reverb slot (it's not there, is it?)... All these stereo effects people seem to go crazy with are rarely possible with a regular amp! :)

  • opened a ticket!

    And about mono summing: Yes, in the "phasing" profile I use only reverb (no mod, no delay) and mono (Powerhead to guitar cab).

    Maybe my thinking is too simple, but why don't you just turn off the reverb and you'll whether you have your culprit?!

    Edited once, last by joerch (June 3, 2014 at 8:35 PM).

  • you did not post any sound clips, so take the following as you will....

    For the way you've explained it, it sounds to me that either:
    1 - there is a "phaser" effect on somewhere in your chain

    2 - There is a problem with your wedge

    3 - The room is a different room than what you're used to, and EVERY room has its own room modes or frequency shifts in it.
    No room, no matter how treated will have zero room modes (Except maybe an anechoic chamber), an TBH thank GOD for that as anechoic chambers sound strange and music does
    NOT sound good in them!
    Could be you're sitting right in the spot of a room mode. Chances are that as you play you're moving your head as well which can (in certain rooms under certain conditions) give a "phasey"
    type of sound. If it is the room though, it is most likely a very faint "effect" on the sound but we're all different so what I may call "faint", you may call "loud".
    Anyways, try moving your position in the room. IF it is the room, then the effect should change / go away depending on your position in the room.


  • It's funny that people that have never experienced it can explain tons of different reasons for it happening. I had it happen way back in 1.5x area and it frustrated me to no end until I had fixed it (by rolling back to 1.0.4 or something way early.) So when I see these posts pop up I know exactly what they are talking about, but I don't know what to tell them to do to fix it. Mine may have been the rollback, may have been the 20 times I set it to default, may have been dumb luck, but one day it was back to the great sound that I bought it for.

    I think it's a rare phenomenon that has not been experienced at Kemper HQ yet. It might be a .01% chance of happening, but I know it's real and I have experienced it. CK asked me for a follow up recording, but when I compared recordings I couldn't tell just from listening to them that they were that much different. But, from the fingers to the ear I could really tell a difference so I never posted a follow up. I hope someone figures it out because I don't want it happening to me again.

  • I experienced the same and:
    Ad 1) I do not have phaser in the preset, preset is only amp + small reverb (the same preset I play without changes for 6 months)
    Ad 2) I played Powerhead through 2x12 cab one day and 4x12 other day, same thing
    Ad 3) In my first post you can read that I think that could be possible too. But in one venue I played few weeks ago without issue. I thought perhaps was some monitor bleeding or something like that, until FOH ask me if I have space on (he was really informed about Kemper :) because my sound is "washy".

    So for me (after turned reverb off) it is not a real issue, but I will invest some time (with Kemper support team) to make some further tests (reamping) and try to find the real cause. I would say if at Main Out I can not hear/measure the issue in recording, than it is not Kemper issue (anymore).

  • I did some test reamping-recordings with 2.3.3 and 2.4.2 and tried to prove the "phasing issue" that I had (Thanks to Kemper Support).
    But I failed :) I recorded Main Out Mono, and the phasing effect is not there. So, I think that was probably venue/monitor-bleed issue that was emphasized through the reverb effect.

    But, I can hear very, very slight difference in sound between two FW-recordings, but perhaps is this normal between two reampings (even with the same FW).
    So, for me, issue closed.

  • to be clear, I had no phasing or flanging effect on. Also all modulation settings where off, so was Space in the Output Setting. As far as summing the signal, we are talking about a different output signal since the 2 Mains went to to board and the engineer didn't notice any of the flanging and a mono signal was sent from Monitor out to my Atomic Wedge. Yes, the room was big for the video shoot (and the night before John Fogerty was rehearsing there)

    Here's a photo to the room Room Photo

    I was sitting the same distance away from my cab as I am usually in my studio. I had 8% of Reverb and Delay on my sound get give a bit of space for the recording as these are for Video/ DVD and most of the post stays bone dry if I don't do anything to it.

    I used different guitars, such as 6 and 7 string guitars with different PU

    I am glad to hear (although not glad about the issue or other's experiencing the issue) that some understand what I mean but I also don't find it funny when people want to "Gaslight" me.

    It's gone for now on 2.4.2 but I am weary

    Anyways, thanks for all the input :)

  • If phasing issues occur on the monitor output, this might be caused by mono summing of modulating effects.
    It is a good idea then to set the Source of the Monitor Output to 'Master Left' instead of Mono.

    The only drawback is that you will only hear one side of a ping pong delay.

  • If phasing issues occur on the monitor output, this might be caused by mono summing of modulating effects.
    It is a good idea then to set the Source of the Monitor Output to 'Master Left' instead of Mono.

    The only drawback is that you will only hear one side of a ping pong delay.

    Having not used them much - do some delays and reverbs "include" modulation-y stuff?

    This is what I place my bet on.

    When did the guitar become a stereo instrument?? :D