Beat Scanner Problem with POD HD500

  • I have been having an issue with the Beat scanner feature and my POD HD500x. I have been running the pod as a midi controller for the Kemper, which has been working fine up until now. Since the beat scanner feature has been implemented, I have not been able to tap tempo during a live performance as the Kemper goes into beat detection and changes the tempo based on what I am playing which may not be what I want it to do.

    I don't believe there is a way to change the tap tempo foot switch midi value on the HD500x to fix this issue, but if someone knows of a way, please feel free to share!

    After reading some of the other posts, it appears that beat scanner cannot be turned off, which is a bummer considering that I now can't use the tap tempo. It looks like the newest firmware fixed the issue with regards the UNO 4 Kemper guys, but not for others. It looks like I may just have to go back to the older version of firmware to get rid of beat detection for now. Thanks for any help anyone might provide.

  • MIDI Control Change #30 is triggering TAP tempo. Values 1-127 are activating Beat Scanner with a short time dealy, value 0 deactivates Beat Scanner. Just sending zeroes will control TAP tempo without ever activating Beat Scanner.

    Would be nice, if your POD could toggle between values 1 at push and 0 at release of a button. But I guess, it cannot handle that.

    As far as I can see instead of chosing the mode 'CC Toggle', you could select the normal mode 'CC' and set the value(s) to 0, so that the POD is sending zeroes all the time. A standard out-of-the-box Behringer FCB1010 could handle it ....

    But even worst case ..., your POD is sending something between 1 and 127 at first push and a 0 at the second push, what is the issue with that? The Beat Scanner will only show up for a short amount of time if at all and not disturb your tap entry.

    The only real issue is, if your POD is sending value 1 or 127 all the time, but that should be flexible to be changed.

  • Thanks Burkhard, I will see if there is anything I can change on the POD. I will also look very closely at the behavior when I press the tap tempo switch. I don't think I can change the way the midi is sent of the HD500, but I may be able to. Thanks for the help, I appreciate it!

  • Burkhard, thanks again for the help. I currently have the POD's tap foot switch set to:

    Message: CC toggle
    CC: #30
    Value: 127

    I looked at the controller options on the POD, it does look like I can either choose CC toggle, or just send a CC message. I haven't had a chance to try it with just the CC message #30 and sending the value of 0 only. This should work as you suggested and control the tap tempo without the beat scanner being activated. When I do, I will post that for other users that might be using the POD HD500 and having the same issue.

    In terms of the beat scanner only turning on for a short time, what you say is correct, but during a live set, I might tap the tempo, but not tap an even number of times (ie just tap twice so the tempo was set and the beat scanner went on, then off) I might tap 5 times as I was entering the tempo (which would leave the beat scanner on after the 5th tap). By the time I figured out beat scanner was active (I'm not able to easily see the Kemper screen where I have it on stage) the tempo of the song got changed to something I didn't want. So I'd like to avoid the whole issue and just not activate it at all. Thanks again!

  • Looks like your solution solved the issue Burkhard! I tried setting the POD HD500x controller setting on the tap footswitch to CC Message with the value of 0 as you suggested. That controls the tap tempo without activating the beat scanner. It seemed to me that when I would tap tempo with the beat scanner being activated, that in between the times when I would tap and it was active, it scanned the tempo and I wasn't able to get an accurate tempo from my taps. I don't know if this is something that is measurable or not, or just my imagination, but that is the main reason I wanted to disable it. Thanks again for the help!