Simple foot switch/expression pedal combo

  • OK, after many hours of reading different suggestions and threads about foot switch possibilities, I think I have figured out my best option. I want to run it by the experienced users here before making my purchases.

    I have looked at the Behringer FCB1010 (with either the EurekaProm or Uno4Kemper) and while it seems like the best bang for the buck option, I am not sure I would be completely happy using it. I really do not want to have to power it via AC adapter and I would not look forward to replacing the chip after a major update that is not compatible. I am also hard on pedals and I am not sure the plastic switches will last long for me.

    I am now looking at getting a simple dual foot switch, such as the Boss FS-6 and an expression pedal for the volume. If I go this route, can I set the performance mode to switch in consecutive patches/channels? In other words, can I create a performance to keep switching to the next patch I need throughout the show's set-list and then set switch A on the Boss to switch to the next patch each time I need to change? Also, if this is possible...could I set the Kemper to use switch B on the Boss for something else, such as delay on/off?

    Considering that this is a setup that I can use, would I then use the Alternative Input/Direct Output on the back panel of the Kemper as an FX loop for my Crybaby Wah pedal?

    Thanks everyone!!

  • - If you (or anyone you know) have some basic soldering skills, it's pretty trivial to make the FCB run on a standard pedal power source.
    - I can't imagine any updates making the U4K chip not compatible - at worst, it's something like the new Tempo Sense or whatever it's called, where the older U4K chips can't activate it properly but everything else still works great.

    - About stepping through performances, yes, you should be able to do that. However, if you need to use any patches more than once, you'll have to copy them into multiple slots so you can step through patch 1, 2, 3, 1 again, 4, 2 again, and so on.
    - For the second switch, there's a set list of functions in the System (I think) menu that you can assign it to. I'm pretty sure Delay is in there, not sure though.

    - The effects loop would work, but why not run your Crybaby straight into the front? I did that before my Mission pedals showed up and it worked great.

  • Is the Boss pedal using a stereo connection or is it two separate mono cables? Does it have 1 or 2 cables connecting it to the KPA?

    Reason for asking is that the flexibility is decreased in the KPA to assign each pedal to difference things if it's a true stereo connection. If it's two mono cables then you have a lot of options and can assign delay on/off to one of them. If you scroll around in the pedal system menu page you can see what the options are for each. You'll see groupings of functions for the stereo pedals and then the list of functions that can be controlled on the mono side as well.


  • I picked up the FCB a few months back and really found it to be flexible. Behringer's stuff is always really nice, really cool, but never up to the physical demands you might want.

    1. The exp pedals are VERY lightweight and sensitive. This lightness may make it a bit too easy to jostle a setting in between toe and heel if you leave it there. I believe it's optical, not mechanical, which accounts for the delicate touch.

    2. The regular pedals are a bit small and close together. This can make it difficult to hit the one you want when you want. I found them just a bit too close together.

    3. It's kind of a bitch to edit if you're on a Mac. You have to buy the app, or do it manually. I had hit-and-miss luck doing the sysex dumps and programming it, so I went manual after I got the "rhythm" of it. :)

    HOWEVER - these are the only complaints I really had with the unit. Otherwise, it is pretty damn flexible.

    I never upgraded the PROM, because I just end up wanting to program it the way I want. I was unaware of this kemper PROM option, however.

    It's inexpensive, and allows you to trigger multiple midi commands in a row (CC and PC), which can come in handy. At the time, I was changing channels on two amps, selecting two different patches on my G-system and HD500.

    Of course, now that I'm using the Kemper as my primary, I have no complaints. I simply use my G System to trigger the Kemper performances or rigs.

    In short, the FCB is recommended, but I'd be concerned if I were to take it in a live situation.

    Hope this helps!

  • Here's my two solutions.

    For gigs with plenty of room, I use my cut down FCB1010 and a separate pedal for vol/wah. FCB has Uno4K and is powered by a wall wart.

    For small stages or just quick jams, I have a cheap Fender 4 button switch. It has a MIDI style connector that I connect a long midi cable to. At the other end is a mid cable with a socket at one end and two TRS plugs at the other that I can plug directly into my KPA.

    The little bungie is something I made up. It hooks onto the strap lugs and I secure my Toaster to a small stand. Works great to keep it steady and harder to knock off.

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  • Thank you all for the responses. Great info that gave me a lot to consider.

    1. The exp pedals are VERY lightweight and sensitive. This lightness may make it a bit too easy to jostle a setting in between toe and heel if you leave it there. I believe it's optical, not mechanical, which accounts for the delicate touch.

    2. The regular pedals are a bit small and close together. This can make it difficult to hit the one you want when you want. I found them just a bit too close together.

    These are two things that concerned me. Sensitive EXP pedal and close proximity switches are pretty much a deal breaker for me.

    I was still leaning towards the Boss FS-6 for simple switching, but there are drawbacks I am not sure I can live with. Step through switching could become a problem without having a display on the pedal. I fear I could get easily confused on the order throughout the show. No tuner display and the need AC adapter are also negatives for me.

    This brings me to another there a passive dual foot switch that is momentary that can be used with the Kemper for step through performance?
    I would still like to get a simple switch to use without needing power when a simple situation allows for it.

    I think I may be leaning towards the Ground Control Pro now. How do they compare to the FCB1010 (or other competitors) and is it worth the extra expense?

    Thanks again everyone!!

  • I was still leaning towards the Boss FS-6 for simple switching, but there are drawbacks I am not sure I can live with. Step through switching could become a problem without having a display on the pedal. I fear I could get easily confused on the order throughout the show. No tuner display and the need AC adapter are also negatives for me.

    This brings me to another there a passive dual foot switch that is momentary that can be used with the Kemper for step through performance?
    I would still like to get a simple switch to use without needing power when a simple situation allows for it.

    - The FS-6 runs on a 9V battery, not an AC adapter. Still annoying to need power for a footswitch though.

    - For some reason momentary footswitches are really uncommon, but I found these:…ual-footswitch/

    - Another thing with the FCB - just like my suggestion above for modding it to run on a pedal power supply, it's fairly straightforward to remove the factory pedals and wire in a pair of jacks for your own non-shitty pedals. I use two Mission pedals and they're great.

  • Thanks for the replies!! The FCB1010 cut down looks like a cool option, but still not sure if it is the way I will go. The more I have researched this, I have determined that I would really like to have the patch/rig names listed on the pedal while playing to prevent confusion in a live situation. I am in 3 different bands, all different styles, and I change rigs a lot. I use many different tones in the cover band and would definitely benefit from patch names being displayed on the pedal. A tuner display is important too.

    I am now leaning towards the Voodoo Labs Ground Control Pro. Just to be sure, do the patch names and tuner display on this unit?

    In keeping with the spirit of the "simple footswitch" idea, would a DigiTech RP80 ( ) be able to be used as an up/down step-through switch/EXP combo? I have a friend that has one and I thought I could possibly use that until I get a better solution worked out.

  • I'm sure that the TB12 will eventually have the same functions.
    The pedal took me perhaps five minutes to set up the way I wanted it, all is done on board the pedal itself.

    Awesome!! You may have helped me find the solution for my needs!! Thanks Egonaut!!

    Just to be sure, am I to assume that the BJDevices TB-12 MIDI Controller will display the tuner and patch names on it too? Also, did you have a lot of programming to do on the TB-5?