TAF-Bundle8 Now available!

  • Greetings.. we are proud to present the long awaited Bundle pack8!.

    All sound clips will be added within the next few days..

    [Blocked Image: http://www.theampfactory.com/content/Mailshot-Bundle8-avaliablenow.jpg]

    Please I hope you enjoy this fine release! it has some Epic Tones!

    All the best

  • Great! Looking forward to the sound clips.

    One hint regarding the page layout:
    As long as there are no sound clips, the buttons are cut off at the bottom. In the CSS you need to change the following values from 133px to 138px to fix that issue. :)

    .edd_download_inner {
        height: 138px;
        max-height: 138px;
        min-height: 138px;

    Hope that helps.


  • Great news Andy.

    I purchased all 3 of the Redplate packs. Is there a usual timeframe for purchase to clear and download possible? I already received confirmation of CC transaction through PayPal.

    I appreciate your hard work. Looking forward to trying the profiles!

    Thanks.. :thumbup:

  • Great news Andy.

    I purchased all 3 of the Redplate packs. Is there a usual timeframe for purchase to clear and download possible? I already received confirmation of CC transaction through PayPal.

    I appreciate your hard work. Looking forward to trying the profiles!

    Thanks.. :thumbup:

    You should be able to download it immediately from the page that comes up once the purchase clears but I remember that it was not immediately obvious what you needed to click on to make it happen. You can also go to the see your purchases and then click on the amp names (I am going on my failing memory here) to download them.

  • You should be able to download it immediately from the page that comes up once the purchase clears but I remember that it was not immediately obvious what you needed to click on to make it happen. You can also go to the see your purchases and then click on the amp names (I am going on my failing memory here) to download them.

    Thanks for the suggestion, but in going to the page which is under the heading of purchase history, it says something about "Payment Status Is Pending" for the 3 amps... There's nothing to click as there is with previous purchases... Hopefully it get resolved quickly.

  • Its all fixed now. - out server went into automatic maintenance mode, this should not have happened. so it blocked all orders in the night..
    everyone has been resolved now, and I had a lot of apologies to make.
    Life is good again! :)

    I will also be uploading the audio samples this weekend..so stay tuned

  • I just wanted to say that the Marshall JTM1, Toneking Majesty, and Fargen RetroClassic profiles are "no tweak" stage ready when plugging in with my LP. The dynamics and resonance are a thing that one can feel, not just hear! Also, I like the move away from using eq stomps for volume boosts and tone shaping. Amazing job with these Andy! :thumbup:

  • I just wanted to say that the Marshall JTM1, Toneking Majesty, and Fargen RetroClassic profiles are "no tweak" stage ready when plugging in with my LP. The dynamics and resonance are a thing that one can feel, not just hear! Also, I like the move away from using eq stomps for volume boosts and tone shaping. Amazing job with these Andy! :thumbup:

    I noticed listening to the clips, they are quieter than the other bundles, is this why? no eq boosts etc

  • I purchased the 3 Redplate amps and a quick impression is that they are definitely worth a close look.

    I intend to really review them a thorough look through studio monitors and play them over different tracks for context.

    At first quick try, the Aurora really has something very special and useful going on in the initial attack which is VERY nice. For an amp that can be modern in it's vibe, there's something there of vintage quality that is rare in my experience.

    Amps like these can really make a track, and what makes them really good or just nice requires more context testing to do any review justice.

    Definitely worthy of more time spent with them that the quick noodle I have had time for. Thanks to Andy for covering these.

    Any info on what mode the amp were in for the profiles?

  • Heya

    Ive always had a soft spot for RedPlate amps, as I think they are really quite amazing amps. not sure however I'd agree with the V30's they seem to use in everything. but thats a taste thing..

    The Aurora is aggressive amp, has the same fundamentals as the others, Dennis the builder likes the Fenderish Blackface/Brown tweed and bassman sort of vibe so he has this switch on pretty much all his amps.
    The CDS3 (My personal Redplate) is common ground really, its does the lowgain stuff really well, and it can be made brutal for lead stuff, and really opens the mids when its cranked. so great for band play.
    However.. the tweedydrive is a puzzler, I didnt like the "in the room" sound at all with this amp, too boxy and very very midrangy.. micing this up, it was a great great surprise, and is actually a nicer recording amp than the other 2 (IMO) but the drive is a bit flubby for general stuff, so it fits into the pure boutique well.

    I profiles these on various settings, I tried the different switches, and its a subtle effect to be fair, he did not make them night and day difference. - seems liek just the transients changed or the sag tightened/loosened up a bit. so the profilkes made are just the sweetspots I'd found and played with, that just felt right!.

    So glad you enjoy them, but as with most amps.. play them loud in a room, and you got it all coverd.


  • Well

    I am a huge Andy fan, I need to get that out there first

    However, that aside, this is in my over 2 years of Kemper ownership the greatest set of profiles I have ever heard

    I have tried and enjoyed loads of stuff from many of you, bought a load of stuff from Andy and Amin, and even having done all that, and having an amazing set of profiles already, this collection just blows them all away

    I cannot find a bad sound, I cannot even find a good sound, they are all pretty amazing

    The cleans on the red plate CDS3 are sublime, everything I could ever want, a shimmer and 3D quality that represents the ultimate in 2 years hard gained profiling experience

    There is so much here, which I think will satisfy everything most could want, extreme metal aside, the hardest and most difficult thing I have to say is that this is it now, I do not need anything else, i am in guitar heaven, its lovely up here!

  • Thanks Andy for such warm review.

    I also share your experience, I find this pack absolute killer, Its just a shame people have lost interest in TheAmpFactory these days sadly. guessing there is lots of other cool stuff about.

    Thanks again for taking the time to write something though, appreciate it! :)

  • Thanks Andy for such warm review.

    I also share your experience, I find this pack absolute killer, Its just a shame people have lost interest in TheAmpFactory these days sadly. guessing there is lots of other cool stuff about.

    Thanks again for taking the time to write something though, appreciate it! :)

    That seems amazingly unfortunate and short sighted on folk's part.

    I'll grant that any of us buy what we think will work, but passing on things that are something you might not realize the possibilities does not square with me.

    There are amps you have covered under the Amp Factory banner that are great takes on must have amps.

    The Redplate amps are not on the tip of every player's tongue, but they definitely own the ground they can cover.

    I have played through the 1 and 2 version of the Chuck D'Aloia Specials < CDS > and they have the goods to cover the Fender thing for folks that might use a great Fender in the studio as a rental, but not buy one as it's hard to get one that really does what made Fenders famous without lots of looking and big money for an amp that might not cover every base a player needs to cover, particularly if hot rodded Marshalls also have to be in the player's arsenal of tones on tap. They can do the "Dumble thing" and are the only 3 channel amp I have played that filled the bill for all 3 being on the money. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h-lOnNeLXxU

    This shows some very, to my ears, Dumble territory and the OD on the CDS does this zone with ease, IMO.. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1KwzwbbSvWA

    A Redplate might not be an amp I would consider if I could only have one amp. As a profile to give a shot? I can't recommend them highly enough. The Tweedy Drive might be a matter of taste with a humbuckered guitar, however, single coils is a definite. The CDES and Aurora handle humbuckers without any "that's a bit too hot" results...

    I think this pack is some of your best work.

    Edited 3 times, last by 1fastdog (May 13, 2014 at 10:46 PM).