Mission Engineering EP1-KP

  • Has anyone tryed the dedicated Mission pedal for the KPA? I'm trying to figure out if there is any difference between that model and the SP1. They say that the potentiometer is specifically designed to work with the Kemper, but a guy from a store has told me that it's only a marketing tactic.

    If anyone knows anything about that I would really appreciate the info.



  • They're both linear pots, so the only difference possible is the value - the EP1 is 10k. I can't find anything for the Kemper model, but I doubt it's going to make a huge difference. You do get matching Kemper-green though.

    Edit: KP model is 10k, so you're just paying for the paint job. However, the Kemper model has a foot switch like their SP1 pedal, which costs about the same as the KP. No idea why they did that.

  • I have asked the people at Mission and that's what they have told me:

    "The electrical difference is in the type of toe switch an the way it is wired. The SP-1 is designed primarily to work with MIDI controllers. The toe switch on the SP-1 may or may not work with the connection on the rear of the Kemper Profiler. The EP-1-KP definitely will."

    I have never heard about anybody having problems with the toe switch of the SP1, but that's what they say.

    Now I have another question: I use a LF+12+ MIDI pedalboard so I could plug the expression pedal straight into it, instead of running it to the rear panel of the Kemper. Which option would be better, to plug the SP1 to the LF+ or the EP1-KP (even the SP1) directly to the Kemper?

    If I plug my expression pedal directly to the KPA I'm avoiding one processing step (exp. data to MIDI) so theoretically the process should be faster and more precise, I'm I right? Already three cables will come up from the pedalboard to the Kemper so having another two is not a big issue if that's all the disadvantage.

  • You'll want to keep the LF designed mission pedals plugged into the LF controller and not directly to the KPA. Reason is that the toe switch is a momentary switch that the LF likes to see. The KPA wants to see an on/off latching type of switch. Having those mismatched will require extra tap dancing.


  • You'll want to keep the LF designed mission pedals plugged into the LF controller and not directly to the KPA. Reason is that the toe switch is a momentary switch that the LF likes to see. The KPA wants to see an on/off latching type of switch. Having those mismatched will require extra tap dancing.


    This is not correct. From the manual:

    • Note: the Kemper Profiler expects so-called “momentary” switches. These close the contact when you step
      on them, and open it again when you lift your foot off. Channel switches for tube amplifiers are not com-
      patible with the Kemper Profiler, as they use a latching mechanism instead.

    Open a support ticket here: SUPPORT

  • Not entirely true tho, since I use my Lonestar Special footswitch for changing rigs or Performance slots on the Profiler. You just have to press it twice, but the two presses can be far in time ad it works nevertheless. So I just press a switch once, in advance, and then press it one more time when I want the actual PC take place.

  • Now I have another question: I use a LF+12+ MIDI pedalboard so I could plug the expression pedal straight into it, instead of running it to the rear panel of the Kemper. Which option would be better, to plug the SP1 to the LF+ or the EP1-KP (even the SP1) directly to the Kemper?

    Using my KPA with LF+12+ snd EP1-KP (plugged into the LF) w/o any problems.

  • Thanks Webdiver!

    That's the response form the Kemper Support Team:

    "I cannot really comment on the Mission pedals, and don't know what the exact difference is. You can basically connect all normal expression pedals. You find more details on page 28 of our current Reference Manual, which can be downloaded from our web page.

    I assume one fundamental difference. If you you connect the pedal to the Profiler directly the functional assignment is global. You can assign Volume, Wah, Pitch (plus Monitor Out Volume) and are able to share the Wah pedal also to opportunistically control Volume and/or Pitch. If you connect the pedal to your footcontroller, you might be able to assign functions by preset. So you might use the pedal in one preset to control for example Delay Mix."

    I think the best option will be to plug an SP1 to the LF+. Cheaper, easier to buy, less cables running out of the pedalboard and the possibility to configure it to each preset.

    Thanks to everyone!

  • I'm assuming page 28 of the ref. manual has changed since May 2014 - as it's now about merging profiles & running gtr speaker cabs - nothing about expression pedals on that page!

    Anyways, I have a MISSION exp pedal (it's the EP1-TC) from a previous rig project (TC G System - see signature below for that rig!) and I purhcased a 2.5m TRS - TRS cable to plug it into my Kemper power rack whilst it's sat on my desk to configure presets and just generally try out the sounds... It's plugged into 'Switch/Pedal (1)' on the Kemper.

    This particular Mission EP doesn't have any switch in-built (like you would get on a Crybaby wah...) but I imagine it is hugely similar to the EP1-KP or SP1 aside from this... It appears to work somewhat! I figured the same, that the EP1-KP would largely be for marketing ploy/matching colour of the Kemper and little else different.

    Either way, if it works - it's gonna get used!!!

    Is there any way of configuring it ? It does some weird things sometimes like on certain Wah parameters (in slot 'A' on the 'Wah Wah') instead of 'wah-ing' heel down is max vol and toe down drops it to zero vol/output !!! As it sweeps you can hear there is some kind of filtering taking place but yeah, dropping the volume is not what it should be doing :/ especially in that direction...!

    (FLOOR) Kemper Remote w/ Mission exp + EB VP
    (RACK) Kemper PowerRack

    Edited once, last by nEVH5150 (April 22, 2015 at 4:46 PM).

  • I'd use the EP1. Sure, you could mod the EP1-KP if your handy but having both is the way to go I'd say.

    From Mission: The EP1-KP is compatible with some non-Kemper devices that support a switching expression pedal with a momentary TS switch. These include current model FAMC Liquid Foot MIDI controllers, and the ISP Theta Pro DSP guitar pre-amp.

    From Mission: The EP-1 is compatible with a large range of digital amps, effects units, MIDI controllers and stomp boxes, and can be used anywhere you would use a Roland EV-5, M-Audio EXP, Boss FV500, or similar pedal.

  • Thanks..checking it out. I don't really have a need for playing live, pretty much all recording and/or playing for fun. I just would like something that will work for using my Strymon Mobius with a real amp (or the Kemper) but would also be usable with the Kemper for Wah/Volume etc.