Choosing/ creating scales for harmonic pitch effect...

  • Hello, just got my KPA a few days ago and I have been plagued by a couple of issues. First off is the smart harmony effect. My option to select a scale type is nowhere to be found. It seems to be on a minor scale by default , but I'm not sure, secondly my option to edit user scales 1 and 2 are grayed out. I can find little to no info on this issue other than a suggestion to import factory rigs, which I have done. If someone could point me in the right direction I would really be thankful as I am finding this piece of gear very counter intuitive. :S

  • Hi and welcome,

    choose Harmonic Pitch using the Type knob. Set Voice 1 Interval and Voice 2 Interval to User Scale1 / User Scale 2 etc. by turning the corresponding knobs pretty wide clockwise. You are then able to edit User Scales. These advanced features are well described in the documentation, have a closer look to be able to use the Profiler to full extent :thumbup:


    Open a support ticket here: SUPPORT

  • Hi Hell-G, Thanks a ton! I could not find this info as I must have overlooked it a hundred times! Are there any pre-made scales? I cannot seem to find those either. Lastly , could you or someone else explain to me how to select output paths? Thanks!

  • You're welcome.

    Hit the Output button, go to page 1. You'll find the Output Source Menu here. Set as you require. Volumes and Output EQs on the following pages allow further refinement of the output signal.

    Open a support ticket here: SUPPORT