Kemper to line6 ux2 to garageband

  • Hey there,

    I got my Kemper since two days and basically I love it already. But I just can't get the thing working on my Mac.

    I was searching a lot but couldn't find a basic guide to how to make it happen.

    Just want to know how to connect the Kemper to the ux2 right. I tried some ways via s/pdif but the ux2 interface won't get any signal.

    It must work somehow since the ux2 is just an interface like anyone else, isn't it?

    Absolutely thankful for any hint and advice so that I can finally start to record some stuff with this great amp.



  • The on-line info I could find on the Line 6 ux2 only lists spdif as digital out. You would need spdif digital in for what you tried. The ux2 does list a monitor in jack. Try what Raoul23 suggested and use the monitor out from the Kemper to the monitor in of the ux2. Make sure you go to the Kemper Output menu and set the monitor out volume.

  • Thanks so far!

    So there are still some issues.

    1. When I go from the Kemper Monitor Out to the UX2 Monitor In, there is sound but for Garageband won't get any signal (also the level display of the UX2 won't react)

    2. Going from the KPA Monitor Out to the UX2 Instrument Input there is neither sound nor a signal.

    So far I only achieved sound which I can't record...Any ideas anyone?

  • I got the ux2 too. It is not the right interface to connect your Kpa.
    Look into this forum and search for posts regarding spdif interfaces.
    There are many useful ones.
    I got mine from focusrite and am happy.

    Geht nicht, gibt´s nicht. "Doesn't work" is no option. :!:

  • I know it's probably too late, but you can connect KPA no probs via a UX. Simply go into the line in from monitor out on KPA. You still need the podfarm open though to select line in on the mixer, rather than mic or intrument, ofc you don't add any amps, effects etc in the signal chain in podfarm. One of the annoying things for me about the Line 6 interfaces is having their software running in order to use the interface properly.

    The only issue really is gonna be the ease of reamping without spdif connectors.