Rig Manager - Some basic questions

  • I'm a Mac user but bit the bullet and installed Parallels and Windows 8.1 to use with the Rig Manager. I have a couple of basic questions though:

    A. The manual says "Once you launch Rig Manager, it will connect with your PROFILER and start syncing" but does not explain exactly what will be synced. What is in the Rig Exchange or in the Local Library?
    B. When I launched the Rig Manager software it either synced with or downloaded 4,262 profiles to All Rigs > Rig Exchange. If I connect it to the KPA will it try and sync all these files to the KPA? Or do I need to drag them over to the Local Library and the profiles there will be synced? What if I want to keep a copy of all the Rig Exchange rigs on my local machine but don't want all of them to sync to the KPA - is there a way to create a KPA folder and then just drag the profiles I want to use there and somehow just sync that folder to the KPA?
    C. The profiles that show in All Rigs > Rig Exchange - are these actually downloaded to my computer or are they simply syncing with the Rig Exchange? If someone where do delete their profiles front he Rig Exchange would they be deleted from my computer or are they actually still on my local machine?
    D. If I copy the Rig Exchange profiles to Local Library where are these rigs to be found? The manual talks about copying rigs to keep a backup of them on my computer but when I poke around Windows 8.1 using the file browser and go to Program Files > Kemper Amps on the C drive all I see is a .RigExchange, the RM manual and the actual Rig Manager software but no actual rigs.
    E. I purchased some commercial rigs that reside on the Mac side of my machine. How do I get these into the Rig Manager? Get them on the PC side and Just drag and drop them on the Local Library Icon?

    Thank You.

    Edited once, last by SwAn1 (April 13, 2014 at 9:13 PM).

  • A. It syncs the content of the Profiler. And it checks with Rig Exchange, if there were changes and syncs if necessary.
    B. Nothing will be copied onto your Profiler automatically
    C. Downloads. But there will be a point in time when things deleted from Rig Exchange will be removed from what you see in the Rig Exchange folder within Rig Manager as well. if you copy a Rig from Rig Exchange to any other location, it will stay there permanently.
    D. C:\Users\YourUserName\AppData\Local\Kemper Amps\RigManager\.KPA#serial#.db ("#serial#" is the serial number of your Profile, usually there is only one file start with .KPA in this directory.)
    F. Drag and drop should work, either from the Mac partition directly or from Windows desktop.

    hth, gs

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