Computer not recognizing profiler in Rig Manager. (RESOLVED)

  • I can't get my profiler to connect. The drivers are installed. I saw a post where someone replaced the original driver from the RM with a coinstall driver, but I already see one in there.

    I'm stumped. I turned on Automatic Updates. I restarted the computer and the Kemper in different combinations with the RM. Several times.

    It's the 64-bit version for my Windows 7 Home Premium. I have Microsoft.NET4 framework installed, as it always has been. All my other devices work fine. I've tried all my USB ports (a few times each). I've tried a different USB cable. I'm plugged into the USB type B on the back of my Kemper rack unit. I am using BETA 2.3.3 9457. I've read through the forum.

    I have no problems accessing the Rig Manager online. The connection reads "OK" in Preferences, and I can transfer them to a USB stick. All that works. But the Previews and everything associated with being connected between the Profiler and my PC is not working. There is no Profiler folder in the Locations of the RM and nothing shows in my device manager.

    Any ideas would be appreciated, for sure. Thanks.

    BTW: the computer makes a "New Hardware" sound each time I plug into a USB port; just no other signs of recognition.

  • I feel your pain. I am also running Windows 7, 64-bit and sometimes I get this, too. I have found that oftentimes, I'll have my KPA on and then run Rig Manager and it won't connect. I've had problems with my USB port on my computer, so I always chalk it up to that. But the times it's worked, I have both the KPA and Rig Manager running without the USB plugged in and then when they're working, I plug in the USB. It usually works.

  • I'd like to see if I can help. Please forgive me if I ask obvious questions.

    1. Are you plugging directly into a port on your computer (rather than a USB hub)?
    2. Are you using any VM (Virtual Box, VMWare, etc.)?
    3. Could you (or have you already) uninstalled RM, rebooted, and re-installed the latest RM?
    4. Do you by chance have another PC available (just trying to isolate the problem to the PC or the KPA USB connection)?

    Just from the symptoms, it seems to either be a problem with the driver installation on the PC, or the USB connector on the KPA. If you can't connect to another PC, I'd open a support ticket with Kemper.

  • Hi, theoptimizersARA, thanks for responding....

    1. Yes, plugging in directly, no hub.
    2. No virtual drives.
    3. Latest versions, rebooted and connected different ways, many times.
    4. Doesn't work on my Inspiron either.

    I've opened a trouble ticket. They emailed me today that they emailed me last week. I could've deleted it somehow by accident, stranger things have happened. But I've been waiting in earnest for their response, so I doubt it. I'm waiting for them to resend the instructions they said they sent me.

  • I've opened a trouble ticket. They emailed me today that they emailed me last week. I could've deleted it somehow by accident, stranger things have happened. But I've been waiting in earnest for their response, so I doubt it. I'm waiting for them to resend the instructions they said they sent me.

    Kemper is usually very good about responding. I'm sure they'll figure it out. Good luck.

  • This is a common problem with Windows 7 where USB ports become unrecognisable after a point.
    The solution, as tedious as it sounds is:
    1) Shut down PC.
    2) Disconnect USB
    3) PULL OUT POWER PLUG FROM POWER SUPPLY (This will discharge all power from your motherboard)
    4) Reconnect plug, reboot
    5) re-plug in USB

    I'll warn you that sometimes this works, sometimes it doesn't, How I know about it is because I used to have a hell of time connecting my phone to my PC to transfer data or whatever. It's a really common problem and as irritating as it sounds, this is the only fix I have come across.

  • Resolved! Here's my letter back to Kemper Support.

    Hi, I was able to get it working. I am not sure what changed, but it was related to my laptop ports, no doubt. For some reason, adding a new device changed my port series or something, and I also added a wireless hub recently. I tried to use my Focusrite interface last night and it wouldn't be recognized on the computer. Well, the process of switching different USB ports to find one for the interface changed something. After I switched the interface to a different USB port and got it working, I decided to try hooking up the Kemper again, and it is working too!

    Thanks for your speedy replies. So glad this rig manager is working now; it's a very useful addition to your creation.

    So, you guys, thanks for helping out, and nightlight, I am going to try that when I get home to see if I can get my interface back on the port where I like it. It's great to be able to use speech recognition from across the room and say MOVE UP! MOVE DOWN! and change my rigs. It's like 'HUMIDI' or something.