Pre-purchase ponderings about the Kemper Rack. (Powered probably)

  • SPDIF comes in two flavors: optical and coaxial. Coaxial uses the same connectors as RCA, but the specs for the cable are a little different, so it WILL work but you might notice a tiny amount of quality loss or noise if that's something that really bugs you. If your RCA cables are relatively short, the difference will be less noticeable - I've got a 1m cable and I can only hear noise if I'm not playing anything while the SPDIF input is being monitored. It'll disappear completely with a rock tone, and I imagine you'd have to have a really quiet acoustic sound being recorded for it to matter.

    FOH just means the "front of house" mixing desk. If the powered Kemper is using Monitor Out for the power amp signal, then the standard setup would be to use that for your cab on-stage while sending the sound guy a feed from one or both of the Kemper's main outs.

    viabcroce - Is there a better term, in your opinion, for what everyone else refers to as full range or FRFR? I agree with you that they're technically incorrect, and not even all that well defined, but I think most people understand that the mythical "completely flat over the whole range" cab is more a goal than a reality. FRFR is still useful as way to differentiate the two (broadly speaking) ways of amplifying your Kemper.

  • Actually, I think the most practical thing is to leave the term as it is... not enough power to impose a new term to the Net LOL

    ... even tho just ER (Extended Range) would probably be more accurate :D

    The reason why I usually try to explain that the term FRFR is improper is that, practically every time someone asks "what does FRFR mean?" and some one else answers the question, I read something on the "it means a cab sounding flat on the full audio range, without hypes nor subsidence (? LOL)" line. If the first guy is smart, the second question follow: "so why they all sound different?"; or even "so I could choose any of them, right?".

    Sorry if this recurrent issue (and my recurrent answers!) sound boring to someone, I just think this is just one of the questions that pop up at times like "can the Profilers be used as an audio interface" or "wouldn't it be great if the KPA profiled fx". I usually answer with the same patience to any of them :rolleyes:

    Sincerely, Job


  • Ok, just for everyone who might have the same question later on,
    I've read half of the manual already and understood what I wanted to do.

    The Monitor Outs are hard-wired to the Power Amp Section and well. So turning off the "CabSim" for Monitor Outs, also makes sure it doesn't go out of the cab.
    That way I can use Main Outs or S/PDIF for recording while still monitoring from the Cabinet.

    Thanks all !