fcb1010 sysEx files for Kemper

  • :cursing: Good day all. I am brand new to this midi command programming thing. Purchased a kemper with the behringer FCB1010 and uno chip but cannot seem to get the controls to function at all. Loader the sysEx for the PODline 6 as a starting point to see if midi messages are transmitted, low and behold something is happening, so its only me that do not have the expert knowledge to use the midi stuff YET but are more than willing to learn.
    Is there anyone there with a sysEx file to run the stomp box setup on top and program changes at bottom who are prepared to share it with me to give me a starting point from where I can pick up a few pointers as to how to program the fcb1010?
    It would be much appreciated. My email is: hopiimp@vodamail.co.za
    I do not want to just simply copy yours and use your rig setup, but only want it as a learning curve. I an one of the older generation and this computer stuff is not always as easy for us :thumbup:
    thanks to all for your attention.

  • Hopiimp.....did you ever got that sysex file to work with KEMPER ?....I would love to try one if you got it .....let me know mate.....also have FCB1010 with the regular UnO chip and Control Center ....and in need of a starting point for KEMPER .....Cheers.