Multi Mic'd Bogner Überschall Profiles and Rigs

  • I only just had the chance to try them. Initial reviews are VERY positive. I really like the Uberschall tone - it was my favorite amp model on the Pod XT and Pod HD. Boosted it sounds great and can even get into 5150 territory, but you lose the real draw of the amp, which is that rough yet clean low-end breakup. But that's usually serious danger territory, especially when you crank up the gain. If that break up is too strong, your tone is too muddy and you lose clarity.

    I compared your tones the free Juanma Blanca and commercial Ic4man profiles. All the other Uberschall profiles out there (at least the ones I have) aren't very good, at least without some serious tweaking. Lasse Lammert's Bombed profile is also an Uberschall, but its boosted to holy hell and sounds more 5150-ish than your profiles. Also, Ic4man has two and one is boosted to holy hell, so I won't discuss that one.

    Juanma's profiles use a Mesa oversized Recto 4x12 with an SM57 mic. They have the characteristic Uberschall low-end breakup, however, it seems the cab is quite boomy here. The low end response is huge and fun for a chunk, chunk type thing, but there's not nearly enough clarity. Also, it's too scooped. Nothing some EQ can't help with; however, you always want a neutral starting point - all EQ will reduce your signal to noise ratio, and in some cases smear your transients (not sure if the KPA's EQ's do this yet - haven't done a thorough test yet). Juanma provided I think around 8 profiles, all with large amounts of gain, some on axis and other off axis. Some had more midrange to them, but they all suffered from the main flaw of flubby and unclear low end.

    Ic4man's profile retains clarity, while also having a big low-end chunk. But like most of the Juanma profiles, it sounds quite scooped. This profile was part of a pack and is probably my 2nd favorite in the pack. But the problem is you only get one profile here, unlike the many you provided. I need more time with this one - not sure how well it'll hold up for leads.

    I can't crank the volume right now, so I couldn't really test your cleans. At low volume, all I can hear is my actual guitar. But first impressions were good. I was very impressed by the high-gain patches. Initially I thought the tone might be a little too thin and midsy, but that's always the case when you're playing a good profile at low volumes. I added a tiny bass boost and the tone was great. The lead/solo patches were my favorite (of course - they have the highest gain!).

    The biggest advantage your profiles had over the others was the clarity, while perfectly capturing that rough low end breakup. As mentioned, it's the hero of the amp's tone. My ideal usage for an Uberschall is not heavy, chunky, down-tuned metal rhythms. It's more of a lead/prog type thing, where you can really get the nasty yet beautiful beating of 2-3 notes playing against each other. Sus2 chords, maj6 intervals, etc. Especially when you play a single note, then add the other note above or even better below, so you go from smooth to rough (aka interesting).

    Also, the neck pickup shines here. You get that hollow, fat tone that can get kind of single-coil bluesy, but it also sings higher on the fretboard - perfectly smooth.

    It sounded like one of the raw profiles was SM57 and one was e606. I preferred the 57, but after boosting a bit more highs into the e606, it really sang as well. I'd need to do a bit of tweaking to get them into the same EQ ballpark before I could which one would be my favorite.

    So, for my uses, these are my favorite Uberschall profiles. I really appreciate the upload!!

  • Awesome! Thank you for the point by point comparison. Still learning how to get it right...or at least close hahaha

    yes, most of the the basic profiles (GS) were all mic'ed with the 57, one clean profile was a e609 and some were 50/50 blend. So, these are just the basic setting; Tweak to fit your needs

    I had a clean channel with 808 and a distortion channel with 808 as boost. I have recorded clean/ distortion

    The "Lightspeeder" Rigs are all recorded with the 57 only. I profiled more yesterday with a different mic mix and also with a micpre

    Thanks again for your input. I hope I can do some more and also with some other amps. :)

  • My ideal usage for an Uberschall is not heavy, chunky, down-tuned metal rhythms. It's more of a lead/prog type thing, where you can really get the nasty yet beautiful beating of 2-3 notes playing against each other. Sus2 chords, maj6 intervals, etc. Especially when you play a single note, then add the other note above or even better below, so you go from smooth to rough (aka interesting).

    btw, I totally agree on the usage for the's the Pick attach and fast response that this amp has over any other high gain amp

  • Hi and thanks for the profiles!

    I´d like to know on which part of the speaker the SM57 was directed at. My guess is dead center, right?
    I for one would like to hear a smoother profile of this amp, with less focus on the - for my ears - quite harsh upper mids.
    I only had a chance to play an Übershall some years ago for just a few minutes, but as far as I remember, I really liked its well rounded singing character and its fat but well defined lower mids. I don´t find this in your profiles. The overall tone is very good, but placing the mic maybe 3 or 4 inches sideways from the center of the speaker will probably lead to how I remember the Übershall sound.

    BTW, all the Übershall profiles I heard so far did not make it to my favorites. Some of them are boosted to some kind of modern metal tone, which Peaveys for example do way better, and some of them lack the definition Bogner amps are famous for.
    Give me some smoother version of your profiles, and I will remain in silence for ever :P;)

    Thanks again! 8)

  • Issue solved !
    I did resinstall the RM , then I did unzip my rigs to a directory at root level ( D:\importRIGS ) no sub dirs ... Import went ok and took 20 seconds :)