Memory failing? (Rigs getting corrupt on their own, gets stuck during save etc)

  • I noticed this after I tried to upload some profiles into the profiler through rig manager, and one of them had a file size of zero. The RM crashed during the upload so I deleted the profiles it had uploaded to the Kemper and uploaded them manually with a usb stick (without the zero filesize profile obviously).

    After this I've noticed that the changing between rigs has become very slow, I can browse through 4-5 profiles with the arrow keys, then it gets stuck for 5 seconds before I can start to browse again. Moving between profiles with the browse knob has no such delay and works normally.

    Anyone have any similar problems? Just to make sure if it's the failed profile upload process that caused this or something else, I haven't used the arrow keys for quite a while for browsing.

    Running 2.3 and I have about 300 profiles in the machine.

  • I found out the reason why it got stuck when browsing with the arrow keys. For some reason almost 1/4 of the profiles refused to load. With the arrow keys it was "stuck" since it wouldn't load the next profile and with the browse knob it wouldn't load the profile either. I could choose the profile with the browse knob but it would stay on the previous profile.

    These were all profiles that worked just fine before I upgraded to 2.3. I deleted the profiles that refused to load and now it works normally again.

  • Hi Tomi,

    i'd send a backup to supprt to have them check whether it is a soft- or hardware based issue. I had two corrupt rigs on my Profiler that i could not get rid of, support fixed it for me.

    Have you checked if it happens on other firmwares too?

    Open a support ticket here: SUPPORT