NI Guitarrig Psychedelay - possible with KPA???

  • In the Studio I play a lot through the Guitarrig 5 from NI. For playing 80's Solos, I love the Psychedelay. Is it possible to get these Sound with the KPA, too???

    The special feature on the Psychedelay is the Stereo Time. With this knob you controls the time shift between the stereo channels for stereo echo effects. When turned down, the delay time for both channels is equally set by the Time control. Turning it up places echoes in the stereo field by bringing forward the delay for one of the channel: A setting of 0.50 means that the extra echoes will happen at half the time of the main delay setting.

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  • Yes:

    There are multiple ways to do it:

    In Tap Delay, you can set independent delay times for Left and Right.

    Tap Left & Tap Right
    (Only in Tap Delay). These two parameters set the delay time of the left and right delay taps in musical values, creating a nice little delay pattern. Setting both taps to the same value will produce a mono delay, while different values will create a ping-pong delay. Only the left delay will feed its signal back to both taps, so it’s a good idea to set the left to a bigger value than the right; this will result in a true ping-pong effect. Swapping the values will result in a different pattern. The settings are mostly in multiples of a 16th notes, including odd values like 5/16 or 7/16. To create more complex and interesting rhythm patterns, try using a mix of odd and even values.
    To create swing or shuffle rhythms, try using the triplet values

    And/Or, you can use the Delay Ratio control:

    Delay Time & Delay Ratio
    (Only in Free Delay and Analog Delay). The “Delay Time” is set in milliseconds. The “Delay Ratio” determines the ratio of different delay times between the left and right delay taps. The “Delay Time” always represents the longer delay tap, the other “Delay Time” is just a divider of the displayed time. As with the Tap Delay, the feedback is only taken from the left delay tap; thus, swapping the ratio of the left and right delay tap will not only reverse the stereo sides, but also produce a different rhythm pattern

    AND, 80s Delay typically has some:

    This parameter will add slight deviations to the left and right delay independently, creating a nice stereo effect and de-coupling the delay from the dry signal. With higher values you will create a wow and flutter effect, typical of a tape delay.