• Haven't tested any of these yet, but thanks a lot, ENGL Fireball 60w is a very good practicing amp.
    One question thought. The Sennheiser mic, e609, is it the original or the new silver version. Tons of difference in voicing there.

    Hi Sleepdead,

    it's the black one. I have two of these, they are a great addition to a SM or Beta57. I used one as the only mic tied witha cablestrap to the grille of my ENGL cab for IEM purposes and it worked really well. I never used it without anothe mic when recording, though. I did some profiles using the e609 as the only mic, the profiles lack a bit of overall presence compared to the ones done with a 57 next to it.

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  • Great, now I can't wait to test them out tonight. A mix of sm57 and black e609 is one of the best combos I've experienced. Oh and if you ever were to sell one of your e609's, hook me up. ;)

  • I didn't get to get into depth with most of the profiles, but the Fball Distortion definitely sounded great and I didn't feel like it needed much tweaking at all. Very thick but still got a lot of mid-growl - great thrash stuff. Thanks for the profiles.

  • I didn't get to get into depth with most of the profiles, but the Fball Distortion definitely sounded great and I didn't feel like it needed much tweaking at all. Very thick but still got a lot of mid-growl - great thrash stuff. Thanks for the profiles.

    Thank you, meambobbo. I've been tweaking and playing through the profiles a lot and what strikes me the most is how creamy the distortion turned out and how great the profiles accept EQing. And i applied some of the tips you provided for EQing high gain tones, it works very well. I'll try to throw them in a mix so i can see how they need to be tweaked to fit in that context.

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  • I'm not a huge fan of the Fireball (or the Powerball for that matter), it never won a shootout for me so far (I just think other amps do what it does better, without the same type of distortion crunch going on).

    Your profiles would be too boomy for me to use on their own, altho with a bit of tweaking I got closer.
    However I've made a really useful profile with one of my own cabs. Quite digging it, and I'm surprised about that fact haha

    Thanks for that, now I have a Fireball profile around in case a client is adamant about going with that amp, so I can at least show and make a shootout with them!

  • I'm not a huge fan of the Fireball (or the Powerball for that matter), it never won a shootout for me so far (I just think other amps do what it does better, without the same type of distortion crunch going on).

    Your profiles would be too boomy for me to use on their own, altho with a bit of tweaking I got closer.
    However I've made a really useful profile with one of my own cabs. Quite digging it, and I'm surprised about that fact haha

    Thanks for that, now I have a Fireball profile around in case a client is adamant about going with that amp, so I can at least show and make a shootout with them!

    Hi Mago,

    cool that you may use one of these. Check out FBall Super Dist 3 if you haven't already, its done with 57 and 609 and way less boomy. But as i know your profile of the EVH i get where you are coming from :thumbup: .


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  • I do like the Engl-Tone.. It's different, and back in the day I always found them having to much MIDS but now a days I'm starting to like them!
    - Honestly, I like them even more as profiles, since the Engls I've tried always had huge feedback issues when cranking them up like I do! ;)

    That being said - I will try these during the weekend, playing around with them a bit! I'm excited and thank you for sharing! :)

  • I do like the Engl-Tone.. It's different, and back in the day I always found them having to much MIDS but now a days I'm starting to like them!
    - Honestly, I like them even more as profiles, since the Engls I've tried always had huge feedback issues when cranking them up like I do! ;)

    That being said - I will try these during the weekend, playing around with them a bit! I'm excited and thank you for sharing! :)

    Hi Raoul,

    hope you like them. Let me know how they work for you!

    Have nice weekend snd shred hard :thumbup:

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  • Found a Video where you can hear and see the actual amp i've profiled on stage, it's on the right side. Enjoy.


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