After NAMM 2014 KFC, FCB1010, Line 6 FBV

  • Let me add to this that I plan to provide a kit to easily create a single-cable solution with the FCB1010 + UnO4Kemper chip. The kit will contain a small replacement board which modifies the 2 MIDI connectors of the FCB1010 into one 7-pins connector which carries power and 2-way MIDI. One 7-pins MIDI cable.

    Sounds great! 8o:thumbup:

    And at the other side you will have a small converter box which again goes from one 7-pins connector to two 5-pins MIDI connectors plus a power input jack.

    Does this mean that the Kemper's midi out by itself doesn't supply enough current to power the FCB1010? I've found that it can power a small standalone midi merger device -- but an entire foot controller is something else of course...

    What kind of power input jack will be used? I can't tell from the picture.

  • Does this mean that the Kemper's midi out by itself doesn't supply enough current to power the FCB1010? I've found that it can power a small standalone midi merger device -- but an entire foot controller is something else of course...
    What kind of power input jack will be used? I can't tell from the picture.

    Powering anything through the MIDI communication leads is actually not such a good idea. The MIDI OUT of any device is designed to deliver just enough current for driving the optocoupler at the end of the MIDI cable. You can easily destroy the MIDI OUT stage by pulling more current from it. Apart from that, MIDI is designed to use an optocoupler on its data input, in order to avoid ground loops. Using the MIDI lead for power forces you to remove the optocoupler in the powered device, thus increasing the chance for a ground loop if you're not careful.

    Anyway, the converter box will have a regular 2.1mm or 2.5mm power jack, which fits most 9V AC or DC adapters. I still need to check what the exact requirements are for phantom powering the FCB1010, and what's the most common jack for compatible power adapters.

  • Powering anything through the MIDI communication leads is actually not such a good idea. The MIDI OUT of any device is designed to deliver just enough current for driving the optocoupler at the end of the MIDI cable. You can easily destroy the MIDI OUT stage by pulling more current from it. Apart from that, MIDI is designed to use an optocoupler on its data input, in order to avoid ground loops. Using the MIDI lead for power forces you to remove the optocoupler in the powered device, thus increasing the chance for a ground loop if you're not careful.

    Anyway, the converter box will have a regular 2.1mm or 2.5mm power jack, which fits most 9V AC or DC adapters. I still need to check what the exact requirements are for phantom powering the FCB1010, and what's the most common jack for compatible power adapters.

    Thanks for the explanation, I had no idea!

  • Will the midi "out" of the FCB1010 still be providing power? I ask as i currently use the midi out of the FCB to power a midi merger :)

    the mod is simply rewiring the connections, from 2 MIDI connectors + power to one 7-pins connector at one side, and the inverse at the other side, in order to have a single cable instead of 3 in between both. So yes, the MIDI IN and OUT connectors will behave identically after running through both converters.

  • So you have to use 2 cables? Thats why it doesn't work like I want

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