In search of the Holy Grail, Part X, Rammstein

  • My keyboarder asked me to do some overdubs on some kind of trance music. He sqeezed a good sound out of his MIDI guitar, but wants a real guitar on it.
    Since i am a rocker, i do not have the slightest idea of how to achieve this kind of metal wall of sound. Any suggestions where to start?
    I do own the chimera pack.

    My occupation: showing teenagers the many hidden secrets of the A-minor chord on the guitar.

  • that´s an easy one, every good hi gain profile with slightly scooped mids should do it.
    Rammstein are known for using Rectifiers and the PSA-1 Sans amp and allegedly had a Diezel phase, too (I don´t remember on which record, but that one sounded way better to me, than their other stuff...).

    recording two tracks panned hard left, two tracks panned hard right is necessary to get this wall of sound effect.

  • recording two tracks panned hard left, two tracks panned hard right is necessary to get this wall of sound effect.

    thanx for the hint, ru_sirius. i am sure this will do the trick :thumbup: .

    Wikipedia says that Richard Z has always used a Dual Rectifier for most of his tone on their albums, if that helps.

    i have read an interview in the german guitar in which he explained that he recently (2005) changed from full-time PSA-1 to part time, substituting this preamp with a
    dual rectifier in most cases. so those two are in the ballpark. will have to look for profiles then ... ( about the diezel i have never read, but it would be a good choice.

    in fact i am a preamp guy and i have owned a lot of them, the PSA-1 among them, and it was back then a superb recording tool. thx again :thumbup:

    My occupation: showing teenagers the many hidden secrets of the A-minor chord on the guitar.

  • hi guys,

    here is my first try of recording a rammstein song. i did not eq or add effects in cubase, because if i do, they do not improve. sound fat right out of the box. not?
    profiles are chimera 002 and one of the new rectifiers of Shain House :thumbup: . ATM free downloadable. good profiles!
    any hints of improving the EQ section?


    My occupation: showing teenagers the many hidden secrets of the A-minor chord on the guitar.

  • hi guys,

    here is my first try of recording a rammstein song. i did not eq or add effects in cubase, because if i do, they do not improve. sound fat right out of the box. not?
    profiles are chimera 002 and one of the new rectifiers of Shain House :thumbup: . ATM free downloadable. good profiles!
    any hints of improving the EQ section?


    I don't know if it is just me but the guitars sound too low in the mix. The tone sounds good at 1:11 because you can fully hear the tone. You should try bringing the guitars up in volume.

  • I don't know if it is just me but the guitars sound too low in the mix. The tone sounds good at 1:11 because you can fully hear the tone. You should try bringing the guitars up in volume.

    Well, this is a compromise here. Because in Rammstein's original song, the guitars are even further in the back. strange, but true :D and that the gits are louder at 1:11 is strange and
    this happened by exporting the mixdown, it is not there in cubase. strange. i could reduce the volume of the backing track, because the guitars are at the max.
    btw: sirius idea was of much help :thumbup:

    My occupation: showing teenagers the many hidden secrets of the A-minor chord on the guitar.

  • Well, this is a compromise here. Because in Rammstein's original song, the guitars are even further in the back. strange, but true :D and that the gits are louder at 1:11 is strange and
    this happened by exporting the mixdown, it is not there in cubase. strange. i could reduce the volume of the backing track, because the guitars are at the max.
    btw: sirius idea was of much help :thumbup:

    I guess just lower the backing track then. As to what Sirius said, definitely dual or even quad track.
    The guitars that I recorded on this track had 1 guitar hard panned left and 1 guitar hard panned right (for the big and wide sound). Then I did an additional guitar left and right just doing single picked notes and lowered it in the mix by quite a bit. You don't notice the single notes until you take it away.

    I bring up this sound clip because the riff was actually inspired by Rammstein.

  • There was once a video on you tube with Richard Z explaining some of the techniques they use to get that big sound. Besides the panning setup that was posted previously, he went into detail as how they layer chords.

    For example if he was playing an E major bar chord at the 7th fret from the A string, the other guitarist would play an open position E major chord (typically only striking the bottom four strings). My suggestion would be to do the same with all your chords, so that what you are hearing is a very robust chord with many notes doubled and in octave displacement.

    The panning I use is hard left, hard right and then an inside doubled track at 63L and 63R. You can adjust your inside sound to taste but try to use the guitar part with the open chords on the inside tracks.

    Hope this helps.

    p.s. if you cannot find the video under his name, check for his name and some videos he did for Native Instruments Guitar Rig 5. He has a patch available for that software.

    “When the power of love overcomes the love of power the world will know peace.”

  • I'd like to have that Microbot in my recording booth. Life can be so easy.

    +1, I would love to have a precise robot. I don't know how many times I've thought "I like this position but I want the mic a bit further away". So I move it and I end up moving it a bit left or right by accident and it just doesn't sound the same any more.

  • Yes, lef38. That is the correct video. I think there is another video where he discusses how he created the Microbot. I believe he talks about how he and another guy built the original and the overall mechanics. Would be a great project to build for any studio.

    “When the power of love overcomes the love of power the world will know peace.”

  • yo thanks, koma and hannes, but i do not own these profiles. i hope that a little bit of post-eq in cubase will do the trick.
    any suggestions?

    My occupation: showing teenagers the many hidden secrets of the A-minor chord on the guitar.

  • yo thanks, koma and hannes, but i do not own these profiles. i hope that a little bit of post-eq in cubase will do the trick.
    any suggestions?

    The Rammstein "sound" is more a composition and arrangement thing. The sythesizers are very important. A lot of those ultra fat guitar walls simply have a subsonic synthesizer doubling. The playing style and the drum sound are also more important aspects than the guitar sound itself. If you compare all the different guitar sounds from Herzeleid to LIFAD all sounds are very different but the composition stays the same.

    Since you have the chimera rigs, those should do the trick nicely. Select one more edgy sound like the 002 and one more juicy sound like 014. Like proposed use the panorama and set each sound for hard left and mid half left and the other sound for hard right and mid hard right. For slower and simpler riffs you can even use more doublings. Use a lot of pick attack and precision to prevent muddy results. A great ways to keep the results tight is to use a tool like vocalign on the dry DI tracks. Using a master track it synchronizes other slave tracks and allows for more precision and power.