Profiler's Digest2 - January edition :) Vintage amps

  • Here is the link

    This is based on last month free rigs available at the rig EX. ,the VSP pack and some of Pete's as well ( I used an Egnater Rebel cab on the XTC Blu )

    It was really interesting to try them on their own settings (most often on their cabs) , so I did not edit them much and used stock reverb & delays from the profiles. Minimal mix on the whole mix as well.

    I did some minimal mixed tracks so you can hear them on their own and in the mix , some of them really need a mix to shine.

    Some of them sound boxi , but I really like the different colors ! Sorry for my really poor bass technique on last recording , this is the 1st time I record with a real bass ... ) but that was fun

    short review :

    The two 65 twins are fantastic , rich sparkle dynamic ...

    The older ones (Ampro & Skylark ) are great for vintage mix, crunch & blues dirty tones

    On the Aldrich JMP I had to swap the cab since the stock one is too bright on my setup, I used my old Egnater Rebel as well. Fits strats & HB like a charm

    The XTC provided by Pete is great , I bet I would choose this one for a live venue since it's really dynamic , beautiful and very versatile.

    This Darkglass box is spot on with my crappy bass but surprisingly very good on a strat with a good guitar cab.

  • Thx mate !

    I had lots of fun doing it , 30 min a day during a week , best way to cut from my daily job .

    This 65' fender twin is really something , one of the best I ever heard.

    Glad you like it! I was hoping it turned out well. I've got a couple of friends with some nice amps. I'm planning to stop by their places soon, just to let them check out the KPA. :D